Coupar Angus PS Toast For All
2025-02-07 • No comments • • Coupar Angus, Meigle & Alyth
Coupar Angus PS Parent Council would love the opportunity to provide each pupil with a piece of toast when they come into school in the morning. Research has shown that eating breakfast is important for everyone, but especially for children. In general, kids who skip breakfast will feel tired, restless and irritable. Eating a healthy breakfast has been shown to help attention span, concentration and memory - all very important for learning.
Senior pupils carried out a breakfast survey, the majority of pupils surveyed said they do have breakfast most days, however 6% said they don’t have breakfast before school. Pupils said when they don’t have breakfast in the morning they come into school feeling hungry, tired, unhappy, sad & angry. 86% of pupils surveyed said they would like to be offered toast when they first come into school.
P7 teacher Mrs Gourlay believes offering each child something to eat in the morning will improve learning & behaviour within the classroom.
Around 20% of pupils at Coupar Angus PS are classed as living within relative poverty – we want to do anything we can to help these pupils by offering warm toast as they come into school. Giving every child the best start in life is the first of five strategic priorities adopted by Perth & Kinross Council and we believe providing breakfast will give them a good start to their day.
Coupar Angus PS currently runs a breakfast club from 8am however this is chargeable at £2 per day which could potentially exclude some families. Toast For All will be free for every pupil.
We plan to run Toast For All initially on a Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday and if it’s as big as a success as we think it will be we hope to roll it out to 5 days per week. We plan to start on the first day of term after the Easter holidays on Wednesday 23rd April and run until the Easter holidays in 2026. The teachers will monitor improvements in learning/behaviour and we will do more surveys with the children to gauge their opinions on the project.
A rota will be drawn up for each week and a teacher/volunteer will arrive at 8.45am and prepare the toast. It will be put on lidded trays to keep it warm and senior pupils will take it around all classes at 9.05am and offer it to every pupil.
We believe every child should have something warm to fill their tummy in the mornings and we hope this will improve behaviour, attention spans and willingness to learn.

SUFC -Helping overweight men with poor mental health & reducing social isolation
2025-02-07 • 4 comments • • South Crieff
Strathearn United Football Club request funding to allow those people living on low incomes with low self-esteem and social issues to enjoy our activities and improve their health and quality of life. The key to the club is making friends, improving health and building confidence.
We will be the only club in Perthshire to be in the Scottish Warriors League, who are supporting many males overcome anxiety, mental health issues, social isolation and prevent suicides.
Our volunteer coaches are qualified in football, mental health, exercise and nutrition. We also have a welfare officer as well as a club chaplain who is available for confidential chats when needed.
We seek funding of £2,930 to cover the cost of allowing up to 15 people who wish to attend but are unable to due to financial hardship. We request funding to cover the session fees, sports kit and transport costs.
However, the best way to understand what a difference our club can make is to watch the video from a similar Warrior club to ours, Denny Warriors. Watch Gary from Denny talk to former England international Ashley Cole about how football saved his life.
Your vote just might save someone's life!

School Uniform Bank - Back to School & Nursery (Central and North Perth)
2025-02-07 • 1 comment • • Central and North Perth
2025 will be our fourth year running our Back to School Pack. In 2021 we provided 152 packs, in 2022 - 340, in 2023 - 400, and in 2024 we provided 512 Back to School Packs and 91 Back to Nursery Packs (our first year running this service). Our Packs are available to anyone who lives in these wards.
What is in a Back to School Pack?
Our packs include 3 shirts, 2 bottoms, 2 jumpers/cardis, 2 PE t shirts, 2 PE bottoms, a PE jumper and a school bag. We also aim to include school shoes and/or trainers plus stationary and other back to school essentials like pack lunch boxes or pencil cases. Everything a child needs for taking part in their school journey.
What is in a Back to Nursery Pack?
Our Back to Nursery packs include 5 days of mix and match outfits; 5 jumpers, 5 t-shirts, 5 bottoms, messy play clothing, a seasonal jacket and footwear. We also add in extras such as sun hats, vests and socks as we know children need these items to fully participate in their learning and no one comes home clean after one day in nursery!
Packs are personalised to each schools colours and the child’s style preferences (so you can tell us if they won’t wear shorts, or will only wear cardigans!) and their sensory needs to make sure the packs are made to suit the individual. We also ask for bag colours and characters and try our hardest to match up to their personal style. We believe our service should make the child feel confident and comfortable that they match their peers.
- All children should have access to high quality school uniform?
- We should protect our environment and make positive pre-loved clothing choices?
- By making little changes to our own lifestyle to support others we can make big changes for the future of our children?
Then please support us by voting for our Back to School & Nursery Pack project. Thank you.
Team Social Flock

Get Into Tennis and Bowling - Under 12s Free Memberships for 2025-2026
2025-02-05 • No comments • • Coupar Angus, Meigle & Alyth
We want to offer more sports opportunities to primary aged children to encourage them to have a more active lifestyle. One of the impacts of the cost-of-living crisis means parents/carers are unable to afford to give their children this chance. During Health Week, the Primary School children take to the bowling green and tennis courts and love trying out the sports, so we aim to provide more of them with the opportunity to continue playing and having fun.
We would offer free memberships for children in local primary schools and 50% off all lessons and Easter and Summer camps throughout the period March 2025-March 2026.
We provide free access to all equipment which is available to any child when the club is open, over and beyond the coaching and camp sessions.
The Alyth Bowling & Tennis Club is located next to the Alyth Primary School and is easily accessible on foot in the middle of the town.
We have reached our estimated cost of the project by reviewing figures for the past 2 years of families paying for yearly membership, regular lesson blocks and participating in Easter and Summer camps. We have given ourselves a stretch target of 100% increase in the number of children accessing sport. We have estimated the cost of this project to cover 50 children getting free memberships and 50% off all lessons and camps for one year.

Strathearn Building Bridges
2025-02-07 • No comments • • South Crieff
Whilst the charity is focused on the young people the range of activities they are involved in allows respite for their families and carers. By delivering more than 5,000 hours of purposeful activities every year, our members can each benefit safely from over 4 hours per week of vital socialisation and friendship.
The heating costs of community halls has gone through the roof, it has meant that halls have to charge a lot more for rent, whether they want to or not. It is heating costs that have prevented our clubs from moving premises. The cost-of-living crisis has impacted in particular on the poorer and less able members of clubs. Many members spend the majority of their time at home, so are affected to a greater extent by the increased heating costs. If we receive money we will be able to continue to offer these sessions at affordable prices to the young people.
We are seeking funds for the cost of the room hire for activity classes stated below and the cost of the Volunteer Co-ordinator for next year. We can only deliver these projects by having a roster of 24 local volunteers who unfailingly offer their time to support our range of activities, and having a co-ordinator to support them is essential. The total cost is £7,030. However we are seeking £2,343 (a third of this cost to equate to the proportion of our young people living in South Crieff ward).
We run the following activities which makes a huge difference. • Tuesday Club social group – weekly, average 20 attendees – promotes social and interpersonal skills and with the support of volunteers allows members with learning disabilities to access a range of enjoyable activities of their choice including arts and crafts, games, quizzes, films, music and trips further afield. • Wednesday Social afternoon group – weekly, average 6 attendees – meeting to socialise and enjoy games, music and films. • Knock Down social & citizenship group – fortnightly, average 15 attendees – similar to Tuesday Club, but with more emphasis on partnerships and involvement with other local groups and organisations, such as Crieff Highland Gathering, Perthshire Amateur Operatic Society, Remake Scotland and the Co-op. • Thursday Zoom informal friendship group – meeting fortnightly via Zoom with average 6 attendees. A one-hour online get-together to chat about what each person has been doing recently and to share news. Hosted by two adult volunteers. • Boccia group in partnership with P&K Disability Sport – weekly, average 15 attendees (including some younger, non-SBB members) • Saturday Lunch Club- a popular kitchen workshop - monthly for 3 hours with 6 places. Members are taught food skills to prepare and make a themed lunch led by an Activity Leader and supported by volunteers. The group then sits down to enjoy lunch together and chat.
The Community Fridge Project
2025-02-04 • 1 comment • • Central and North Perth
Letham4All SCIO operates the Community Fridge Project in the Letham, Muirton, and Moncreiffe areas of Perth to prevent good food from going to waste and help people stretch their budgets. The Community Fridges operate as a universal service, meaning they are open to anyone in the community, with no referral being required and they can used as many times as people want to use them.
The Community Fridge Project collects surplus food every evening from local supermarkets, which is then sorted and distributed between the different sites. Some surplus food is blast-frozen and is available from freezers in each of the areas. All of this surplus food is freely given away, as well as frozen meals prepared by another local charity made from surplus food. In each of the Community Fridge, there is a range of tinned and dried goods which people can purchase at 20p an item, up to a maximum spend of £2.00 (10 items). The Letham Community Fridge is open 7 days a week, with Muirton and Moncrieffe Fridges being open 4 days throughout the week.
The Community Fridge Project is supported by around 60 volunteers who take on a variety of roles across the whole operation of the project. We know that around 400 people from over 1000 registered users, access the project every week and that throughout the ongoing cost-of-living crisis it has been an invaluable support to people, stretching their budget when they need it. The Project has saved 1000s of tonnes of good food going into landfill and is helping locally to tackle climate change. This funding will help pay for some of the operating costs of the 3 projects and help fill the shelves with the 20p items. The Community Fridges also provides a wide range of information about other support services available in the community including financial well-being guidance, health and wellbeing services, and other community groups and organisations.

Partizan Allstars
2025-02-03 • No comments • • Central and North Perth
Partizan Gymnasium is a new Boxing and Kickboxing Gym based in North Muirton Perth. I’ve grown up and lived in North Muirton and aspire to give back to the community after travelling the world gaining a wealth of experience in both sports and achieving Scottish & British titles.
Knowing how boxing and kickboxing has enhanced my life, my aim is to share what I’ve experienced with the local community and provide a chance for people to get involved in both sports. In response to the cost-of-living crisis and the continuous interest from youths and community organisations it has inspired us to develop this free programme to support young people, provide new opportunities to learn skills, without putting financial strains on families.
Through Boxing and Kickboxing we can address so many social issues and we are keen to work with partners in the community to tackle these. After recent spates of anti-social behaviour there is an increasing number of youths who are disengaged.
At Partizan Gymnasium we want to promote a sense of pride in the community which is why we are developing a new angle of approach to widen opportunities to get involved with sport, in a safe environment, with our motivated and keen coaches and volunteers who are positive role models supporting this programme.
Partnership working is key to our proposal, we already have a wide range of partners on board including interest from the Police Scotland and the Safer Communities team and we are keen to explore new partnerships. As we build trust with our young people we can support them to build confidence and develop skills in the sport that they can use in their everyday life and become a part of the community. We can work with them to engage with the community supports available to them through partner organisations that can provide them with the supports they need, improving their life chances.
We plan to run a referral system for this programme and we are keen to work with Schools and Community organisations/ groups who are at the frontline and working with youths deemed hard to reach, as a result of the impact of the cost of living crisis.
We will run 3 Allstars programmes targeting different age groups throughout the year and we plan to work with 20 individuals each programme.
The 12 week programme is divided into 3 key areas and can be adapted to reflect the different age groups involved, some activities may change in order keep things fun and engaging.
The full programme can be viewed as an attachment and will cover three main areas.
Week 1 – 4 = Fundamentals (Weeks 1 – 4)
Week 5 – 8 = Wellbeing, Fitness and Nutrition (Weeks 5-8)
Week 9 -12 = Technique and Finesse (Weeks 9 – 12)
As part of our funding, we will purchase additional boxing gloves, shin guards and pads required for participants to use during the programme, this equipment is costly and can be reused for those who aren’t able to buy their own equipment. I would also like to offer Allstars participants a Partizan Gymnasium T-shirt and certificate on completion of the programme.
With this funding we will also look to upskill volunteers with Boxing Scotland coaching qualifications, First Aid training and cover the cost of PVG scheme disclosures.
Being able to offer opportunities like this to the community and share my passion was entirely why Partizan Gymnasium was set up, Allstars success will also provide evidence for future programmes and the future of Partizan Gymnasium.
Family Food Creation and Learning
2025-02-10 • No comments • • Coupar Angus, Meigle & Alyth
Pupils from each year group will learn to cook a meal, such as a main meal and pudding using healthy food choices and budget ingredients. They will plan, prepare and cook within school and take a meal home. The project would last for 10 weeks allowing each class to participate in 3 sessions (Burrelton P.S. has 3 mixed year classes), they will also bring in a parent and/or guardian during their last session to join in the learning, cooking and fun. The classes will be facilitated by an outside worker and school support staff. The aim of the project is to give life skills to pupils to prepare easy home cooked meals from scratch to share with their family on a set budget. Pupils will also learn about nutrition, healthy eating and family food budgeting as part of the project sessions. We hope to use some of the school grown garden vegetables as part of the sessions with support from Burrelton in Bloom.

Preventing Crisis Together in South Crieff
2025-02-07 • No comments • • South Crieff
Letham4All SCIO has been working with a variety of partners across Perth and Kinross at a very local community level, a dignified and holistic route to reduce the impact of poverty. As a result of this work, Letham4All has successfully piloted the use of the Pay Point Platform and extended to scope of Perth Cards, to provide small amounts of financial support, to help people in immediate financial crisis. Working with existing referral routes this project will provide an additional route for support for those who are not successful with a crisis grant or where a crisis grant is not an appropriate option. The Paypoint Platform enables the sending of utility voucher codes by text message to a mobile phone that can be redeemed in the usual place people top up their utility cards/keys and the Perth Cards across Perth and Kinross can be used in a variety of shops to purchase food and utilities.
This referral-based support has been accessed by a range of public agencies and 3rd sector organisations who have had no other means of supporting people with financial support to offer a breathing space while longer-term solutions are set up. This has been particularly effective out with traditional working hours and at weekends and support can be organised and delivered within an hour. We know from feedback from agencies that being able to offer this quick solution to those most in need is very beneficial to the household, encourages further discussion of longer-term solutions to prevent further crises, and reduces stress and worry. Partners have also told us that being able to use the Pay Point Platform as a means of offering support saves valuable staff time in handling and delivering cash payments for utility tops-ups and is a much faster way of getting support to their clients. To deliver this project Letham4All and its partners use the Citizen Advice Bureau’s information-sharing protocol, The Fast Online Referral Tracking System, FORT. This system enables all partners to see what referrals and support services have been received by a service user eliminating the risk of duplication, and giving support services a clear picture of services received and of any gaps emerging in meeting the needs of the person.

Kids Week in Crieff 2025
2025-01-25 • No comments • • South Crieff
Kids Week in Crieff has been running for 9 years now. Our 2025 event shall take place between Monday 14th and Friday 18th July this Summer. We plan to organise a range of events and activities for families to enjoy throughout Crieff over a 5 day period. Including various service providers, local groups and businesses. And something for a variety of ages and interests. Events that we plan to hold again this year are a family film night, family quiz, an outdoor assault course, family disco, a Teddy Bears Picnic, cycling event, social meet at the skatepark and nature yoga. New event for this year is a performance in the park - music, show or storytelling.