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Strathearn Building Bridges

C colin SBB  •  2025-02-07  •  No comments  •  South Crieff  • 


Project proposal code: 109

Estimated Price



Strathearn Building Bridges supports young adults who have learning, physical and emotional disabilities to overcome chronic loneliness of social isolation after leaving school. We will build bridges to a better quality of life for people aged 16+ with learning, physical and emotional disabilities and also for their carers. We do this by providing opportunities and experiences through a range of social, leisure and educational activities, enhancing integration, reducing isolation.


Whilst the charity is focused on the young people the range of activities they are involved in allows respite for their families and carers. By delivering more than 5,000 hours of purposeful activities every year, our members can each benefit safely from over 4 hours per week of vital socialisation and friendship.

The heating costs of community halls has gone through the roof, it has meant that halls have to charge a lot more for rent, whether they want to or not. It is heating costs that have prevented our clubs from moving premises. The cost-of-living crisis has impacted in particular on the poorer and less able members of clubs. Many members spend the majority of their time at home, so are affected to a greater extent by the increased heating costs. If we receive money we will be able to continue to offer these sessions at affordable prices to the young people.

We are seeking funds for the cost of the room hire for activity classes stated below and the cost of the Volunteer Co-ordinator for next year. We can only deliver these projects by having a roster of 24 local volunteers who unfailingly offer their time to support our range of activities, and having a co-ordinator to support them is essential. The total cost is £7,030. However we are seeking £2,343 (a third of this cost to equate to the proportion of our young people living in South Crieff ward). 

We run the following activities which makes a huge difference. •    Tuesday Club social group – weekly, average 20 attendees – promotes social and interpersonal skills and with the support of volunteers allows members with learning disabilities to access a range of enjoyable activities of their choice including arts and crafts, games, quizzes, films, music and trips further afield. •    Wednesday Social afternoon group – weekly, average 6 attendees – meeting to socialise and enjoy games, music and films. •    Knock Down social & citizenship group – fortnightly, average 15 attendees – similar to Tuesday Club, but with more emphasis on partnerships and involvement with other local groups and organisations, such as Crieff Highland Gathering, Perthshire Amateur Operatic Society, Remake Scotland and the Co-op. •    Thursday Zoom informal friendship group – meeting fortnightly via Zoom with average 6 attendees. A one-hour online get-together to chat about what each person has been doing recently and to share news. Hosted by two adult volunteers. •    Boccia group in partnership with P&K Disability Sport – weekly, average 15 attendees (including some younger, non-SBB members) •    Saturday Lunch Club- a  popular kitchen workshop - monthly for 3 hours with 6 places. Members are taught food skills to prepare and make a themed lunch led by an Activity Leader and supported by volunteers. The group then sits down to enjoy lunch together and chat.

Location: Our activities are for people who live in South Crieff.

Proposed on behalf of: Reaching out to other local organisations to build mutually beneficial partnerships is vitally important to our ambition to diffuse SBB throughout our community. Our partners include Perth & Kinross Disability Sport, Strathearn Arts, Crieff Highland Gathering, Remake Scotland and Live Active Leisure.

Don't have defined milestones