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PKC Community Choices


Web accessibility refers to the possibility of access to the web and its contents by all people, regardless of the disabilities (physical, intellectual or technical) that may arise or from those that derive from the context of use (technological or environmental) .

When websites are designed with accessibility in mind, all users can access content in equal conditions, for example:

  • Providing alternative text to the images, blind or visually impaired users can use special readers to access the information.
  • When videos have subtitles, users with hearing difficulties can fully understand them.
  • If the contents are written in a simple and illustrated language, users with learning problems are better able to understand them.
  • If the user has mobility problems and it is difficult to use the mouse, the alternatives with the keyboard help in navigation.

Keyboard shortcuts

To be able to navigate through this website in an accessible way, a group of quick access keys has been programmed that gather the main sections of general interest in which the site is organized.

Keyboard shortcuts for the navigation menu
Key Page
0 Home
1 Debates
2 Proposals
3 Votes
4 Participatory budgets
5 Legislative processes

Depending on the operating system and the browser used, the key combination will be as follows:

Key combination depending on the operating system and browser
Browser Key combination
Explorer ALT + shortcut then ENTER
Firefox ALT + CAPS + shortcut
Chrome ALT + shortcut (CTRL + ALT + shortcuts for MAC)
Safari ALT + shortcut (CMD + shortcut for MAC)
Opera CAPS + ESC + shortcut

Text size

The accessible design of this website allows the user to choose the size of the text that suits him. This action can be carried out in different ways depending on the browser used.

Browser Action to be taken
Explorer View > Text size
Firefox View > Size
Chrome Settings (icon) > Options > Advanced > Web Content > Text size
Safari View > Zoom In/Zoom out
Opera View > scale

Another way to modify the text size is to use the keyboard shortcuts defined in browsers, in particular the key combination:

  • CTRL and + (CMD and + on MAC) Increases text size
  • CTRL and - (CMD and - on MAC) Decreases text size

Compatibility with standards and visual design

All pages of this website comply with the Accessibility Guidelines or General Principles of Accessible Design established by the Working Group WAI belonging to W3C.