Family Food Creation and Learning
Project proposal code: 112
Estimated Price
Burrelton Parent Council would like to Burrelton Primary School Pupils to learn skills in life to feed their families. From easy peasy cheesy macaroni to healthy chocolate brownies, pupils will learn to cook and provide a meal for their families using an air fryer, microwave, kettle and budget ingredients.Description
Pupils from each year group will learn to cook a meal, such as a main meal and pudding using healthy food choices and budget ingredients. They will plan, prepare and cook within school and take a meal home. The project would last for 10 weeks allowing each class to participate in 3 sessions (Burrelton P.S. has 3 mixed year classes), they will also bring in a parent and/or guardian during their last session to join in the learning, cooking and fun. The classes will be facilitated by an outside worker and school support staff. The aim of the project is to give life skills to pupils to prepare easy home cooked meals from scratch to share with their family on a set budget. Pupils will also learn about nutrition, healthy eating and family food budgeting as part of the project sessions. We hope to use some of the school grown garden vegetables as part of the sessions with support from Burrelton in Bloom.
Location: Burrelton Primary School
Proposed on behalf of: Burrelton Primary School Parent Council
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