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Proposals with scope: Coupar Angus, Meigle & Alyth

Total budget £18,846

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Preventing Crisis Together in Coupar Angus , Meigle and Alyth

2025-02-07  •  No comments  •  Letham4All SCIO  •  Coupar Angus, Meigle & Alyth

Letham4All SCIO has been working with a variety of partners across Perth and Kinross at a very local community level, a dignified and holistic route to reduce the impact of poverty.  As a result of this work, Letham4All has successfully piloted the use of the Pay Point Platform and extended to scope of Perth Cards, to provide small amounts of financial support, to help people in immediate financial crisis. Working with existing referral routes this project will provide an additional route for support for those who are not successful with a crisis grant or where a crisis grant is not an appropriate option. The Paypoint Platform enables the sending of utility voucher codes by text message to a mobile phone that can be redeemed in the usual place people top up their utility cards/keys and the Perth Cards across Perth and Kinross can be used in a variety of shops to purchase food and utilities.

This referral-based support has been accessed by a range of public agencies and 3rd sector organisations who have had no other means of supporting people with financial support to offer a breathing space while longer-term solutions are set up. This has been particularly effective out with traditional working hours and at weekends and support can be organised and delivered within an hour.  We know from feedback from agencies that being able to offer this quick solution to those most in need is very beneficial to the household, encourages further discussion to longer-term solutions to prevent further crises, and reduces stress and worry. Partners have also told us that being able to use the Pay Point Platform as a means of offering support saves valuable staff time in handling and delivering cash payments for utility tops-ups and is a much faster way of getting support to their clients.  To deliver this project Letham4All and its partners use the Citizen Advice Bureau’s information-sharing protocol, The Fast Online Referral Tracking System, FORT. This system enables all partners to see what referrals and support services have been received by a service user eliminating the risk of duplication, and giving support services a clear picture of services received and of any gaps emerging in meeting the needs of the person.Letham4All will reach out through its existing partners and networks in Coupar Angus, Meigle, and Alyth to ensure that information on how this support can be accessed through the referral process and The Fast Online Referral Tracking System is widely shared and understood.

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School Uniform Bank - Back to School & Nursery Packs-Cupar Angus, Meigle & Alyth

2025-02-07  •  No comments  •  Social Flock  •  Coupar Angus, Meigle & Alyth

2025 will be our fourth year running our Back to School Pack. In 2021 we provided 152 packs, in 2022 - 340, in 2023 - 400, and in 2024 we provided 512 Back to School Packs and 91 Back to Nursery Packs (our first year running this service). Our Packs are available to anyone who lives in these wards.

What is in a Back to School Pack? 

Our packs include 3 shirts, 2 bottoms, 2 jumpers/cardis, 2 PE t shirts, 2 PE bottoms, a PE jumper and a school bag. We also aim to include school shoes and/or trainers plus stationary and other back to school essentials like pack lunch boxes or pencil cases. Everything a child needs for taking part in their school journey. 

What is in a Back to Nursery Pack?

Our Back to Nursery packs include 5 days of mix and match outfits; 5 jumpers, 5 t-shirts, 5 bottoms, messy play clothing, a seasonal jacket and footwear. We also add in extras such as sun hats, vests and socks as we know children need these items to fully participate in their learning and no one comes home clean after one day in nursery!

Packs are personalised to each schools colours and the child’s style preferences (so you can tell us if they won’t wear shorts, or will only wear cardigans!) and their sensory needs to make sure the packs are made to suit the individual. We also ask for bag colours and characters and try our hardest to match up to their personal style. We believe our service should make the child feel confident and comfortable that they match their peers. 


- All children should have access to high quality school uniform?

- We should protect our environment and make positive pre-loved clothing choices? 

- By making little changes to our own lifestyle to support others we can make big changes for the future of our children?

Then please support us by voting for our Back to School & Nursery Pack project.  Thank you.

Team Social Flock

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Wonderland Event - Coupar Angus

2025-01-21  •  No comments  •  Adventure Circus  •  Coupar Angus, Meigle & Alyth

Overview: Wonderland is a community-based initiative devised by Adventure Circus SCIO in 2024. Wonderland’s aim is to bringing free outdoor circus performances and workshops to local parks in Perthshire. The project focuses on engaging children and families, particularly those from low-income areas, offering them the opportunity to experience live circus entertainment and actively participate in circus skills training within their own community (Coupar Angus), out of doors during the summer holidays. 

Our goals: 

  • Access to the Arts during cost of living crisis: we want to provide children and families in low-income / semi-rural areas with the chance to see a professional circus performance, something that may otherwise be financially out of reach. 
  • Skill Development: we love to share what we do, and so our performances always include an element of participation to encourage children to engage in circus skills. For example our performers will help members of the public to try juggling, hula hooping, and aerial arts, promoting physical activity, creativity and self-confidence. 
  • Community Building: Our visits are intended to offer a community activity that brings local people together for a fun, inclusive and interactive experience. As an outdoor spectacle, there is no limit to the number of people who can attend. In 2024 we performed Wonderland in Coupar Angus to approximately 250 people of all ages. 
  • Wellbeing Focus: It is our long term aim that our Wonderland events provoke audience members to consider taking part in circus skills, either through our education programme, or through self practise. Circus arts have a well known reputation for improving mental/emotional wellbeing due to a long history of inclusivity, and the skills offer an opportunity for self-expression, resilience and crucially for young people, play. 

Key Activities: 

  • Outdoor Circus Show: Our professional circus performers will put on an engaging outdoor show that is family-friendly and accessible to all ages.  The show is based on Alice in Wonderland and so the story concept is recognisable to many people because of it’s well known characters and timeless themes such as curiosity, exploration, personal growth, absurdity and nonsense! 
  • Taster Sessions: After the performance, children and adults will be invited to try their hand at various circus skills like juggling, hula hooping and aerial hoop workshops led by the circus performers. Participants will be encouraged to experiment and learn. 
  • Community Involvement: Alongside our performers, local volunteers from Adventure Circus, including our young leaders, will assist with workshop delivery and gain valuable community experience. We will spend time getting to know local people and can encourage them to join us, continue to practise independently. 

Target Audience: 

  • Children aged 3-14, particularly those from lower-income backgrounds who may not experience many special activities / experiences due to the cost of living crisis and limitations of the family budget 
  • Families and community members who may not typically access large-scale entertainment or arts events because they cannot afford to attend or because they do not have the means to travel out with their area due to limitations of public transport / cost. 


  • For Children: Encourages physical activity and boosts confidence and resilience through fun, engaging experiences. 
  • For Families: Provides a free, inclusive arts/circus experience that brings joy for all the family and introduces new ways to engage in physical activity. 
  • For all: floor skills such as juggling and hula hooping are extremely low cost and are accessible beyond our Wonderland experiences through our community classes, or through self exploration at home using resources such as youtube/TikTok/Instagram 
  • For the Community: Strengthens local connections Adventure Circus has within different areas throughout Perth & Kinross and helps to create lasting memories by bringing a positive, uplifting event to the community. 


With your help, we will be helping to increase access to the arts for children in underserved areas, we will encourage/enhance physical and mental wellbeing through creative circus play and we will help to strengthen community cohesion and pride in local parks as venues for cultural and recreational activities. 

By bringing the magic of the circus directly to the community, Wonderland creates a free, accessible opportunity for children to see, learn, and play, and best of all, it is all set up right in their own parkland!



Family Food Creation and Learning

2025-02-10  •  No comments  •  AMitchell  •  Coupar Angus, Meigle & Alyth

Pupils from each year group will learn to cook a meal, such as a main meal and pudding using healthy food choices and budget ingredients. They will plan, prepare and cook within school and take a meal home. The project would last for 10 weeks allowing each class to participate in 3 sessions (Burrelton P.S. has 3 mixed year classes), they will also bring in a parent and/or guardian during their last session to join in the learning, cooking and fun. The classes will be facilitated by an outside worker and school support staff. The aim of the project is to give life skills to pupils to prepare easy home cooked meals from scratch to share with their family on a set budget. Pupils will also learn about nutrition, healthy eating and family food budgeting as part of the project sessions. We hope to use some of the school grown garden vegetables as part of the sessions with support from Burrelton in Bloom.

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D.I.Y Lunch

2025-02-06  •  No comments  •  Darren_Gracey_155  •  Coupar Angus, Meigle & Alyth

The d.i.y luch bags started a few years ago and became a way to help out parents, make sure children in need were stil able to access food during the school holidays and also educate families on cooking meals together in the kitchen (just like back in the day). These bags are available for anyone with a child from nursery all the way through to highschool. As any parent knows children tend to eat a lot more when theyre not at school for a number of reasons, Boredom being the main one the d.i.y lunch bags are designed so that children (sometimes with supervision) can make their own lunchs if needed during easter, summer and october holidays. 

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Join our FREE & FUN range of after school clubs in Meigle!

2025-02-07  •  No comments  •  Amber_Laverty_634  •  Coupar Angus, Meigle & Alyth

Meigle Parent Council would like to bring a fun range of clubs to the children of Meigle, Alyth, Coupar Angus and surrounding areas. 

We understand that the the cost of living crisis has impacted families to the point that they can no longer afford to pay for their children to attend clubs and classes outside of school. We have also identified that there is a lack of after school activities in the local area.

Our plan is to offer a different club for 8 weeks each term, running from April 2025-April 2026, including art, dance, outdoor skills and yoga & mindfulness. These would be led by experienced instructors within Meigle Kinloch Hall and Belmont Woods for outdoor activities. A healthy snack would also be provided at every session. We intend to give each child that attends the yoga & mindfulness classes a Mindfulness Journal to take home to continue what they will learn in the class. 

Children's Mental Heath Charity Place2Be's 2025 theme is 'Know Yourself, Grow Yourself'. We feel that the activities we have selected will give them the safe and supported space to explore their interests that will ultimately help support and enhance their mental wellbeing. We hope that through these classes they develop healthy life skills and habits, boost their self confidence and build resilience to help them cope with whatever life may put their way. 

We have based our numbers on approximately 20 children, coming to this number by looking at similar classes that have run in the past in similar sized villages. 


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AYP Revamp, Repair, Replace and Re-Wear!

2025-02-06  •  No comments  •  George_Annan_470  •  Coupar Angus, Meigle & Alyth

We asked our young people and families about the impact of the cost of living on them, and what we as an organisation could do to ease this. The most common issue was the cost of clothes with ever growing kids. Some parents also said that children with sensory needs were not keen to buy new clothes as they liked the feel of the texture of certain garments, so help to repair them would be appreciated. 

If funded, we will run a series of sessions over the Easter, Summer and October holidays in partnership with a local sewing group where skilled workers will be on hand, along with youth workers, to help mend and improve items of clothing. Our AYP branded hoodies are extremely popular, and we can also add our logo to any other clothing, potentially making it more desirable for the young people to wear. Young people could even add the logo to their clothes to give them a new lease of life.

The whole project is a chance for our young people to be creative, for families to save money, and for waste to be reduced too. This could be extended to school uniform swap shops and become a regular feature of our work.

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Coupar Angus PS Toast For All

2025-02-07  •  No comments  •  LyndsayRobertson  •  Coupar Angus, Meigle & Alyth

Coupar Angus PS Parent Council would love the opportunity to provide each pupil with a piece of toast when they come into school in the morning.  Research has shown that eating breakfast is important for everyone, but especially for children.  In general, kids who skip breakfast will feel tired, restless and irritable. Eating a healthy breakfast has been shown to help attention span, concentration and memory - all very important for learning.

Senior pupils carried out a breakfast survey, the majority of pupils surveyed said they do have breakfast most days, however 6% said they don’t have breakfast before school.  Pupils said when they don’t have breakfast in the morning they come into school feeling hungry, tired, unhappy, sad & angry.  86% of pupils surveyed said they would like to be offered toast when they first come into school.   

P7 teacher Mrs Gourlay believes offering each child something to eat in the morning will improve learning & behaviour within the classroom.

Around 20% of pupils at Coupar Angus PS are classed as living within relative poverty – we want to do anything we can to help these pupils by offering warm toast as they come into school.  Giving every child the best start in life is the first of five strategic priorities adopted by Perth & Kinross Council and we believe providing breakfast will give them a good start to their day.

Coupar Angus PS currently runs a breakfast club from 8am however this is chargeable at £2 per day which could potentially exclude some families.  Toast For All will be free for every pupil.

We plan to run Toast For All initially on a Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday and if it’s as big as a success as we think it will be we hope to roll it out to 5 days per week.  We plan to start on the first day of term after the Easter holidays on Wednesday 23rd April and run until the Easter holidays in 2026.  The teachers will monitor improvements in learning/behaviour and we will do more surveys with the children to gauge their opinions on the project.

A rota will be drawn up for each week and a teacher/volunteer will arrive at 8.45am and prepare the toast.  It will be put on lidded trays to keep it warm and senior pupils will take it around all classes at 9.05am and offer it to every pupil.

We believe every child should have something warm to fill their tummy in the mornings and we hope this will improve behaviour, attention spans and willingness to learn.

Tennis Club lesson January 2025

Get Into Tennis and Bowling - Under 12s Free Memberships for 2025-2026

2025-02-05  •  No comments  •  Alyth Bowling & Tennis Club  •  Coupar Angus, Meigle & Alyth

We want to offer more sports opportunities to primary aged children to encourage them to have a more active lifestyle.   One of the impacts of the cost-of-living crisis means parents/carers are unable to afford to give their children this chance.  During Health Week, the Primary School children take to the bowling green and tennis courts and love trying out the sports, so we aim to provide more of them with the opportunity to continue playing and having fun. 

We would offer free memberships for children in local primary schools and 50% off all lessons and Easter and Summer camps throughout the period March 2025-March 2026.  

We provide free access to all equipment which is available to any child when the club is open, over and beyond the coaching and camp sessions. 

The Alyth Bowling & Tennis Club is located next to the Alyth Primary School and is easily accessible on foot in the middle of the town.  

We have reached our estimated cost of the project by reviewing figures for the past 2 years of families paying for yearly membership, regular lesson blocks and participating in Easter and Summer camps. We have given ourselves a stretch target of 100% increase in the number of children accessing sport. We have estimated the cost of this project to cover 50 children getting free memberships and 50% off all lessons and camps for one year.  

Toasting Marshmallows on the Kelly Kettles

CAYAG Adventure Seekers

2025-02-06  •  1 comment  •  Louise Laing  •  Coupar Angus, Meigle & Alyth

The CAYAG Adventure Seekers project aims to get more young people outdoors and being active.  There is evidence that suggests young people being outdoors can improve their physical and mental wellbeing, support social skills and academic performance. Spending time outdoors can reduce feelings of stress and anger, and boost self-confidence and self-esteem by allowing young people to take risks in a safe space. In Coupar Angus and surrounding areas we are very lucky as there are so many great spaces we can explore and utilise.

We would start the project in May and end in October with every second Saturday having a different activity on offer.  Each activity will be facilitated by skilled staff, which CAYAG staff and volunteers will support.  Activities will include, adventure tubing, archery, gorge walking, mountaineering, paddle sports, clip n climb, mini highland games and more! We would be tailoring the activities to the young people's needs and abilities and set the programme with their input.  There would also be the opportunity to gain awards and certificates in paddle sports, mountaineering, map reading etc.  We would end the project with a residential to celebrate everyones achievements and also to deliver training oppotunities in outdoor first aid and Dynamic Youth Awards. 

All activities would be open to the young people of Coupar Angus and surrounding areas, whether they are a member of CAYAG or not and will be free of charge.  We are looking to boost engagement with the young people in the town and hope this project will encourage more young people to attend CAYAG.  There would be free refreshments offered at each session with lunches provided for full day activities.  Transport will also be available at no extra cost to the participant. 

We will be working in partnership with local businesses, youth work partners and youth scotland to create a varied programme with something for everyone. 
