Access to Adventure
2025-02-07 • No comments • • Rattray
The Access to Adventure Project will provide financial support for the pupils of Rattray Primary School and Nursery to take part in learning outside of the classroom. The funding would cover the costs of transport and entry fees to venues for children from low-income families to ensure that financial hardship does not prevent any child from participating in school trips.
A significant proportion of children attending Rattray Primary School live within SIMD quintiles 1 (36%) & 2 (5%) and 35% of pupils are entitled to free school meals. Under the Acorn measure of poverty in rural areas, 48% of Rattray pupils fall into the categories Acorn 5 and 6 which are the most deprived rural communities. A large proportion (36%) of families have multiple children attending the school and 41% of Rattray pupils have additional support needs, putting further financial pressure on parents/carers.
In this rural community, with limited transport options and with the rising cost of living, a school trip may be the only outing a child experiences out with Blairgowrie.
In previous years, the school and the Parent Council have provided subsidies to reduce cost to families. However, due to increasing levels of need and increased costs, this is unsustainable and there is a very real risk that school excursions may be limited.
The head teacher, staff and children recognise the importance of these wider experiences. The Scottish Government notes the value of learning out with the classroom and wants all children and young people to have positive learning experiences in a variety of settings (See attached document).
These experiences can enhance academic learning, whether it be visiting a historic castle, local museums, farms, or places of cultural significance, and give context to classroom learning. Often, the children gain first-hand experiences that cannot be replicated in school. This helps develop engagement and interest in subjects that may help shape their future choices.
Trips away from school also develop personal growth allowing children to develop a sense of independence, perhaps experiencing life out with their comfort zone. They develop skills, responsibility and confidence that helps them try new things, explore new environments and look after themselves. Children can develop a sense of adventure, and these fabulous types of experiences can encourage communication with teachers, families and peers.
As a Parent Council we feel it is important to be inclusive and equitable for all the children and families in the school to avoid the stigma and/or embarrassment of having to ask for help. Therefore, the funding would not only be beneficial to those on low incomes but for every child, every family, so that all pupils are included.
School trips can be great fun for children and staff alike and provide lasting memories. I’m sure everyone who has kindly taken the time to read this proposal can remember their own school trips and what it meant to them growing up. We sincerely hope we can continue to support the school in being able to provide these valuable opportunities. (See attached documents for staff and pupil comments on school trips).

Souper Good
2025-02-07 • No comments • • South Crieff
Crieff ConneXions Cafe is a social space in Crieff Connexions where people can meet, chat and find support from volunteers and staff. We will be open 3 times on the week providing a safe, accessible and warm environment for people from across the community to meet. A range of people in Crieff experience social isolation due to their family circumstances, age or condition. The community cafe provides a low-cost place to meet others, get support and access services. We would like to step up from offering tea, coffee and biscuits to delivering a warm plate of soup to those who come along. With this added value will reach more people and provide them with nourishment. We will be able to utilise some of the surplus vegetables and bread, which we collect, to make an impact on food waste. Money will be spent on storecupboard ingredients, equipment and training. Some existing volunteers will be upskilled to make and serve soup, we have young volunteers working with us as well as volunteers with special needs and those who find it hard to get work.. Crieff ConneXions also provides a community pantry, offering low-cost food, a school uniform shop, providing gently used school uniform, public WiFi, access to computers and printing and a low-cost second-hand shop. We want to provide support for people whilst giving the dignity and choice. For this part of the project we would like to reach out to local elderly people through an invitation leaflet,

D.I.Y Lunch
2025-02-06 • No comments • • Coupar Angus, Meigle & Alyth
The d.i.y luch bags started a few years ago and became a way to help out parents, make sure children in need were stil able to access food during the school holidays and also educate families on cooking meals together in the kitchen (just like back in the day). These bags are available for anyone with a child from nursery all the way through to highschool. As any parent knows children tend to eat a lot more when theyre not at school for a number of reasons, Boredom being the main one the d.i.y lunch bags are designed so that children (sometimes with supervision) can make their own lunchs if needed during easter, summer and october holidays.

Strathearn Building Bridges
2025-02-07 • No comments • • South Crieff
Whilst the charity is focused on the young people the range of activities they are involved in allows respite for their families and carers. By delivering more than 5,000 hours of purposeful activities every year, our members can each benefit safely from over 4 hours per week of vital socialisation and friendship.
The heating costs of community halls has gone through the roof, it has meant that halls have to charge a lot more for rent, whether they want to or not. It is heating costs that have prevented our clubs from moving premises. The cost-of-living crisis has impacted in particular on the poorer and less able members of clubs. Many members spend the majority of their time at home, so are affected to a greater extent by the increased heating costs. If we receive money we will be able to continue to offer these sessions at affordable prices to the young people.
We are seeking funds for the cost of the room hire for activity classes stated below and the cost of the Volunteer Co-ordinator for next year. We can only deliver these projects by having a roster of 24 local volunteers who unfailingly offer their time to support our range of activities, and having a co-ordinator to support them is essential. The total cost is £7,030. However we are seeking £2,343 (a third of this cost to equate to the proportion of our young people living in South Crieff ward).
We run the following activities which makes a huge difference. • Tuesday Club social group – weekly, average 20 attendees – promotes social and interpersonal skills and with the support of volunteers allows members with learning disabilities to access a range of enjoyable activities of their choice including arts and crafts, games, quizzes, films, music and trips further afield. • Wednesday Social afternoon group – weekly, average 6 attendees – meeting to socialise and enjoy games, music and films. • Knock Down social & citizenship group – fortnightly, average 15 attendees – similar to Tuesday Club, but with more emphasis on partnerships and involvement with other local groups and organisations, such as Crieff Highland Gathering, Perthshire Amateur Operatic Society, Remake Scotland and the Co-op. • Thursday Zoom informal friendship group – meeting fortnightly via Zoom with average 6 attendees. A one-hour online get-together to chat about what each person has been doing recently and to share news. Hosted by two adult volunteers. • Boccia group in partnership with P&K Disability Sport – weekly, average 15 attendees (including some younger, non-SBB members) • Saturday Lunch Club- a popular kitchen workshop - monthly for 3 hours with 6 places. Members are taught food skills to prepare and make a themed lunch led by an Activity Leader and supported by volunteers. The group then sits down to enjoy lunch together and chat.
North Muirton Community Allotments
2025-02-07 • 5 comments • • Central and North Perth
After public consultation we know that there is demand for community allotments in the North Muirton area.
These will provide a huge range of benefits to those who are involved, including fresh, sustainable food, a real sense of community, exercise and fresh air, access to others’ knowledge and skills, and access to a tool library.
The increased cost of living is affecting everybody, and having somewhere local, cheap, and healthy to meet others will be of huge benefit. Allotments often become social hubs for those who engage, meaning people will not need to pay to travel into the city centre to meet friends. Tools are often a large expense in gardening and DIY, the library will alleviate this allowing people to make meaningful improvements to their home, garden, and life.
This is not a profit making exercise. We expect to charge at most £30 per year to cover the cost of general upkeep and stocking the tool library.
We are also in conversation with Riverside Primary School and if successful will provide them an allotment for free to help educate the next generation on food, nutrition, budgeting, and sustainability.
North Muirton Community Group is well established as a constituted group that works to support local people, running free lunches, multiple Community Fun Days which attract hundreds of people, maintaining the local Community Hall and providing that space at low rates for other groups to use.
There is a disused and graffiti covered pitch owned by the council that in principal they have agreed we can use for allotments when we have the funding in place. It is currently an eyesore between the community and the river, a common dog walking spot, so transforming it visually would also be an important benefit to the community.
This funding would get us started on the project but not finished. Securing the allotments from vandalism is vitally important and this funding would go towards that in the main. The next step would be building in the actual allotments and acquiring tools, before launching them for the community.

Netball for all
2025-02-06 • 1 comment • • Central and North Perth
Our club has always demonstrated our values which are to provide a safe, fun and inclusive netball club. We have always ensured that our girls understand the benefits of how having an active lifestyle can only bring positive outcomes for their physical and mental health. It also helps our girls from the different schools across our area to make real connections and friendships away from the ever increasing dependency children have on social media. Perth City Juniors were re-established in 2021 and since then we have managed to obtain success in the form of twice winning the Netball Scotland Scottish Youth Cup along with many netball leagues throughout Scotland and across all of our age groups. We also have some girls who have gone on to represent Scotland. The costs involved in playing netball competitively can put a financial burden onto parents therefore our committee have always strived to fundraise so that we can keep our fees low.
We have a culture of giving back at our club with many of our older girls volunteering their time to help coach sessions at the club as well as within their secondary schools. Many of them have obtained coaching qualifications along with becoming umpires. With this in mind, we'd like to continue this by giving back to our communities.
We are hoping that with a successful funding application, we can deliver free netball sessions within local primary schools. We would like to coordinate with the headteachers and Active schools coordinators to offer 4 weekly sessions to be held either in school hours or as an after school club.
Our hope is that by offering these sessions, we can encourage the children to subsequently be involved in playing netball at the many clubs in Perth & Kinross. Showing that no matter what their socioeconomic background is, there is accessible netball available to everyone. Following these free taster sessions, we'd hope to hold some holiday camps to benefit all netball players in the area. The funding would also allow us to upskill our coaches and equipment so that we could deliver a high quality holiday camp catering to girls of differing levels of netball ability.
We have witnessed first hand the positive impact that being involved in this team sport, can allow our girls to thrive, be successful and boost their confidence. We hope that our application will be successful to allow us to include more girls who will benefit from our club.

Get In The Game
2025-02-05 • No comments • • Central and North Perth
We plan to run recreational sport and fitness sessions, mainly football based however we will take feedback from participants and engage with our partner clubs about other sports that may be of interest, to address the needs of people who may be suffering from or at risk of social isolation, poor mental health and young people not in education and training. We will deliver 3 sessions per week throughout the year aimed at these target groups but open to all who feel they would benefit from such a session. These sessions will be delivered in the morning, afternoon and evening spaced out throughout the week to allow options for participants and ensure the best reach. We will advertise this project through our social media channels, local press, partner agencies and in hard copy in local facilities. This is a new project for us which we will be reviewing to better understand the demand, impact on participants daily lives, effectiveness and desirability of the sessions. We hope that this will lead to a future expanded community projects package including this and other projects for the benefit of people in our community who would benefit from enhanced physical activity coupled with additional life support covering areas such as financial, skills and confidence, employability and mental health. In addition part of this funding will be used to invest in our exisiting volunteers ongoing development to allow them to better support our participants and potential new volunteers drawn from our attendees. This funding will allow them to be upskilled in coaching qualifications, first aid training as well as in additional areas particular to their ongoing development goals.

Free outdoor activities for kids
2025-02-08 • No comments • • Rattray
We are exploring the possibility of this funding to try and offer children from Rattray some fun activities. These activities will offer far more than fun, opportunities to learn or improve on skills, fitness, be part of a team, work on respect, nature, environment, self-confidence all at their own pace and learning ability.
At Mantalk we have a lot of men coming through our doors with issues that stem from childhood. We are big believers that the more positivity you can give to children can help them them right throughout life. Whilst we are unable to accommodate them at our group we are always looking at ways where we can offer some help and support.
We talk about our own childhood experiences and when things like activities or sport camps came up many of us missed out because our parents couldn’t afford to pay the costs. From our own experiences during childhood we wouldn’t wish that feeling on any child but due to the cost of living we know there will be many children in similar positions. If we are successful then these spaces will be offered to any child in Rattray for free on a variety of activity days during the school holidays including paintball, cycling, football, rugby and archery. We will partner with Albert Douglas of AK Paintball, Piotr Gudan of Outdoor explore and Cally Gordons activity camps to deliver these activities to the children of Rattray.

Preventing Crisis Together in South Crieff
2025-02-07 • No comments • • South Crieff
Letham4All SCIO has been working with a variety of partners across Perth and Kinross at a very local community level, a dignified and holistic route to reduce the impact of poverty. As a result of this work, Letham4All has successfully piloted the use of the Pay Point Platform and extended to scope of Perth Cards, to provide small amounts of financial support, to help people in immediate financial crisis. Working with existing referral routes this project will provide an additional route for support for those who are not successful with a crisis grant or where a crisis grant is not an appropriate option. The Paypoint Platform enables the sending of utility voucher codes by text message to a mobile phone that can be redeemed in the usual place people top up their utility cards/keys and the Perth Cards across Perth and Kinross can be used in a variety of shops to purchase food and utilities.
This referral-based support has been accessed by a range of public agencies and 3rd sector organisations who have had no other means of supporting people with financial support to offer a breathing space while longer-term solutions are set up. This has been particularly effective out with traditional working hours and at weekends and support can be organised and delivered within an hour. We know from feedback from agencies that being able to offer this quick solution to those most in need is very beneficial to the household, encourages further discussion of longer-term solutions to prevent further crises, and reduces stress and worry. Partners have also told us that being able to use the Pay Point Platform as a means of offering support saves valuable staff time in handling and delivering cash payments for utility tops-ups and is a much faster way of getting support to their clients. To deliver this project Letham4All and its partners use the Citizen Advice Bureau’s information-sharing protocol, The Fast Online Referral Tracking System, FORT. This system enables all partners to see what referrals and support services have been received by a service user eliminating the risk of duplication, and giving support services a clear picture of services received and of any gaps emerging in meeting the needs of the person.
The Community Fridge Project
2025-02-04 • 1 comment • • Central and North Perth
Letham4All SCIO operates the Community Fridge Project in the Letham, Muirton, and Moncreiffe areas of Perth to prevent good food from going to waste and help people stretch their budgets. The Community Fridges operate as a universal service, meaning they are open to anyone in the community, with no referral being required and they can used as many times as people want to use them.
The Community Fridge Project collects surplus food every evening from local supermarkets, which is then sorted and distributed between the different sites. Some surplus food is blast-frozen and is available from freezers in each of the areas. All of this surplus food is freely given away, as well as frozen meals prepared by another local charity made from surplus food. In each of the Community Fridge, there is a range of tinned and dried goods which people can purchase at 20p an item, up to a maximum spend of £2.00 (10 items). The Letham Community Fridge is open 7 days a week, with Muirton and Moncrieffe Fridges being open 4 days throughout the week.
The Community Fridge Project is supported by around 60 volunteers who take on a variety of roles across the whole operation of the project. We know that around 400 people from over 1000 registered users, access the project every week and that throughout the ongoing cost-of-living crisis it has been an invaluable support to people, stretching their budget when they need it. The Project has saved 1000s of tonnes of good food going into landfill and is helping locally to tackle climate change. This funding will help pay for some of the operating costs of the 3 projects and help fill the shelves with the 20p items. The Community Fridges also provides a wide range of information about other support services available in the community including financial well-being guidance, health and wellbeing services, and other community groups and organisations.