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Participatory budgeting

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Wonderland Event - Rattray

2025-01-21  •  No comments  •  Adventure Circus  •  Rattray

Overview: Wonderland is a community-based initiative devised by Adventure Circus SCIO in 2024. Wonderland’s aim is to bringing free outdoor circus performances and workshops to local parks in Perthshire. The project focuses on engaging children and families, particularly those from low-income areas, offering them the opportunity to experience live circus entertainment and actively participate in circus skills training within their own community (Rattray), out of doors during the summer holidays. 

Our goals: 

  • Access to the Arts during cost of living crisis: we want to provide children and families in low-income / semi-rural areas with the chance to see a professional circus performance, something that may otherwise be financially out of reach. 
  • Skill Development: we love to share what we do, and so our performances always include an element of participation to encourage children to engage in circus skills. For example our performers will help members of the public to try juggling, hula hooping, and aerial arts, promoting physical activity, creativity and self-confidence. 
  • Community Building: Our visits are intended to offer a community activity that brings local people together for a fun, inclusive and interactive experience. As an outdoor spectacle, there is no limit to the number of people who can attend. For example, in 2024 we performed Wonderland in Coupar Angus to approximately 250 people of all ages. 
  • Wellbeing Focus: It is our long term aim that our Wonderland events provoke audience members to consider taking part in circus skills, either through our education programme, or through self practise. Circus arts have a well known reputation for improving mental/emotional wellbeing due to a long history of inclusivity, and the skills offer an opportunity for self-expression, resilience and crucially for young people, play. 

Key Activities: 

  • Outdoor Circus Show: Our professional circus performers will put on an engaging outdoor show that is family-friendly and accessible to all ages.  The show is based on Alice in Wonderland and so the story concept is recognisable to many people because of it’s well known characters and timeless themes such as curiosity, exploration, personal growth, absurdity and nonsense! 
  • Taster Sessions: After the performance, children and adults will be invited to try their hand at various circus skills like juggling, hula hooping and aerial hoop workshops led by the circus performers. Participants will be encouraged to experiment and learn. 
  • Community Involvement: Alongside our performers, local volunteers from Adventure Circus, including our young leaders, will assist with workshop delivery and gain valuable community experience. We will spend time getting to know local people and can encourage them to join us, continue to practise independently. 

Target Audience: 

  • Children aged 3-14, particularly those from lower-income backgrounds who may not experience many special activities / experiences due to the cost of living crisis and limitations of the family budget 
  • Families and community members who may not typically access large-scale entertainment or arts events because they cannot afford to attend or because they do not have the means to travel out with their area due to limitations of public transport / cost. 


  • For Children: Encourages physical activity and boosts confidence and resilience through fun, engaging experiences. 
  • For Families: Provides a free, inclusive arts/circus experience that brings joy for all the family and introduces new ways to engage in physical activity. 
  • For all: floor skills such as juggling and hula hooping are extremely low cost and are accessible beyond our Wonderland experiences through our community classes, or through self exploration at home using resources such as youtube/TikTok/Instagram 
  • For the Community: Strengthens local connections Adventure Circus has within different areas throughout Perth & Kinross and helps to create lasting memories by bringing a positive, uplifting event to the community. 


With your help, we will be helping to increase access to the arts for children in underserved areas, we will encourage/enhance physical and mental wellbeing through creative circus play and we will help to strengthen community cohesion and pride in local parks as venues for cultural and recreational activities. 

By bringing the magic of the circus directly to the community, Wonderland creates a free, accessible opportunity for children to see, learn, and play, and best of all, it is all set up right in their own parkland!



On the Mend (continuation project)

2025-02-01  •  No comments  •  OnTheMend  •  Central and North Perth

Your support with this funding would allow us to

Continue to rent a property on the High St which creates an accessible and visible community venue for everyone in North and Central Perth to be involved in making and mending.

To build on those connections that individuals have made in their community, and all the positive impacts that has on well-being by offering more workshops and groups.  

Offer free or very low cost access to an activity that has proven environmental, health and well-being credentials

To continue to put volunteering and peer mentoring at the heart of everything we do at On the Mend by upskilling and increasing opportunities. 

Expand what we currently offer over more days and to reach more people who cannot afford to enjoy lots of the leisure activities on offer in Perth.

Share the knowledge and skills of CATH outreach, housing support and literacy staff to as many in the community as we can and help those experiencing difficulties in housing, accessing benefits and the social isolation that poverty/lack of opportunity often brings.

On the Mend has been based on the High Street for just over a year having a positive impact on the Central and North Perth Community.  We would like to be able to open more days and offer more opportunities for individuals and local groups to be able to access our workshops.  This continuation funding would also enable current participants to build skills further as we have found peer mentoring has been a really successful way of engaging and is a gateway to more structured volunteer opportunities.

On the Mend currently operates Wednesday to Friday and the current core activities are;

Wednesday morning Textile Upcycle, which currently has 16 participants where attendees can come along and knit, crochet and sew all with donated materials and all free of charge.  Some participants come with a strong skill level and take great pleasure in sharing those skills, others are perhaps new to making.  For many in the group it would be prohibitively expensive to buy and learn to use a sewing machine but with the support of On the Mend staff and others in the group we have seen confidence and skills grow.  We currently do not have enough time to accommodate everyone wanting to use a sewing machine and would want to create a new group for this activity to develop and increase inclusion.

Wednesday afternoons is Furniture Upcycling.  To keep within space constraints and to adhere to health and safety best practice this group is kept to a maximum of 8 participants.  Again, this activity is free and we provide all materials with the pieces of furniture being saved from going into landfill.  This workshop has created a small income with upcycled items being displayed in the window and sold.  This creates a huge sense achievement,by working on something over a number of weeks, and seeing the finished piece going to someone’s home.  This group demonstrates, on a tight budget, the impact of repurposing rather than buying new.

On Thursdays we have had a community-driven crochet group, this developed from a tutored group with participants wanting to keep the group going themselves.

The Friday the Fun Crafternoon has been a huge success and we do not have the capacity for everyone who wants to attend.  During the Crafternoon participants are given the opportunity to make an upcycled item to take away, no special skills are required.  A huge part of this, as with all the groups at On the Mend, is the social aspect. Whilst being creative everyone is chatting, laughing and connecting with their community.  It has been extremely difficult to turn anyone away and we would very much like to be able to offer a second session of the Fun Crafternoon. 

We have run a number of volunteer led workshops in,for example, upholstery and needle felting and have worked with local organisations like Trauma Healing Together and would aim to build on collaborative projects with other organisations in Perth. Everyone who attends On the Mend groups has access to the expertise that CATH staff have in housing, benefits issues, literacy and building confidence and skills .  This is not the focus of any On the Mend activities but can serve as a gateway to anyone who may find themselves in need of support or advice.

Letham Badge

Get In The Game

2025-02-05  •  No comments  •  Jon_Kidd_116  •  Central and North Perth

We plan to run recreational sport and fitness sessions, mainly football based however we will take feedback from participants and engage with our partner clubs about other sports that may be of interest, to address the needs of people who may be suffering from or at risk of social isolation, poor mental health and young people not in education and training. We will deliver 3 sessions per week throughout the year aimed at these target groups but open to all who feel they would benefit from such a session. These sessions will be delivered in the morning, afternoon and evening spaced out throughout the week to allow options for participants and ensure the best reach. We will advertise this project through our social media channels, local press, partner agencies and in hard copy in local facilities. This is a new project for us which we will be reviewing to better understand the demand, impact on participants daily lives, effectiveness and desirability of the sessions. We hope that this will lead to a future expanded community projects package including this and other projects for the benefit of people in our community who would benefit from enhanced physical activity coupled with additional life support covering areas such as financial, skills and confidence, employability and mental health. In addition part of this funding will be used to invest in our exisiting volunteers ongoing development to allow them to better support our participants and potential new volunteers drawn from our attendees. This funding will allow them to be upskilled in coaching qualifications, first aid training as well as in additional areas particular to their ongoing development goals.

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Monthly Lunch Clubs by Perthshire Welfare Society

2025-02-07  •  1 comment  •  Perthshire welfare society  •  Central and North Perth

Project Overview


Project Title: Monthly Lunch Clubs  

Duration: One year  

Total Funding Requested: £1,800




1. Promote Community Integration: Create a welcoming space for individuals from diverse backgrounds to gather, share a meal, and engage in meaningful conversations.


2. Provide Access to Information and Resources: Collaborate with local services such as the Citizens Advice Bureau, Welfare Rights, and the Heat Project to provide attendees with valuable information and support.


3. Reduce Social Isolation: Foster connections among participants, helping to mitigate feelings of loneliness and enhance overall well-being.


4. Encourage Healthy Eating: Serve fresh, nutritious lunches that promote healthy eating habits and well-being.




Our lunch clubs will primarily target individuals from minority backgrounds, but we welcome all community members to join us. This inclusive approach will help to break down barriers, encourage understanding, and promote a sense of belonging among participants.


Activities and Structure


Each monthly lunch club will include:


Light Refreshments: A healthy, balanced meal prepared from fresh ingredients, promoting nutrition and well-being.


Guest Speakers: Representatives from partner organisations will be invited to speak and provide information on various topics, including welfare rights, financial advice, mental health resources, and community services.


-Open Forum: An opportunity for participants to share their experiences, ask questions, and seek support from staff and volunteers in a relaxed and friendly environment.


Expected Outcomes


Increased Community Engagement: Participants will develop new friendships and connections, fostering a sense of community.


 Improved Access to Resources: Attendees will gain awareness of and access to local services, enhancing their ability to navigate challenges they may face.


 Better Quality of Life: By reducing social isolation and providing nutritious meals, participants will experience improved mental and physical well-being.




We believe that the Monthly Lunch Clubs will be a vital initiative for promoting community cohesion, providing support, and enhancing the quality of life for individuals in Perth. With your generous funding of £1,800, we can implement this project and create lasting positive impacts within our community.


Thank you for considering our proposal. We look forward to the opportunity to work together to make a difference in the lives of those we serve.


We appreciate your support and consideration.


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Royal Voluntary Service - Mini Bus support scheme

2025-01-23  •  No comments  •  Royal Voluntary Service  •  Central and North Perth

The Royal Voluntary Service manage approx  150 volunteers in the Perth & Kinross region and we have a need for transport to support the elderly & vulnerable in the community.We are applying for a mini bus and need to upskill the volunteers for the coming years. We would like to train 10 drivers on the MIDAS mini bus course and also 15 first aiders. Currently we run Perth lunch club,Perth social club,Crieff lunch club,Bridge of Earn lunch club and are looking at a new lunch club in North Muirton. The elderly clients need transport to get them to the clubs which will greatly help with nutrition ,mental and physical well being. We are being tasked with growing the numbers at each of the clubs and opening new venues thus requiring a transport solution.

This vital training will allow us to run this service.


The Crieff Film Festival Youth Workshops.

2025-02-07  •  No comments  •  CC1  •  South Crieff

The Crieff Film Festival Youth Workshops, scheduled for 9-10 August 2025, cater to young people aged 5 to 16 years and are designed to engage them in the art and craft of film production. This initiative is a collaboration with local organisations , which provide ideal locations for hosting the workshops. Experienced industry professionals will guide the participants through various aspects of filmmaking, including cinematography, editing, and scriptwriting.

The workshops aim to educate and inspire participants by offering hands-on experiences that could ignite a lasting interest in the film industry. The programme also incorporates a competitive element, challenging the young filmmakers to apply their newly acquired skills in a practical and creative setting.

This collaborative effort with local arts organisations and educational institutions is intended to foster a community spirit and provide a supportive environment for learning. It offers a unique opportunity for children and young people in Crieff to explore creative careers, develop new skills, and gain confidence in their abilities, thereby enriching our local cultural landscape and supporting the development of future talent in the film industry.

Our goal is to not only provide a creative outlet but also to foster a deeper appreciation for the arts and potentially spark future careers in the film industry. These workshops promise to be engaging, educational, and most importantly, fun for all involved

The Decider

The Decider Skills for Self Help

2025-01-30  •  No comments  •  sarah.oelmez  •  Central and North Perth

Facilitating the engagement in meaningful and therapeutic activities (horticulture, woodwork, gastronomy, fitness, nutrition and arts), we aim for people to have better physical, emotional and mental wellbeing; to have better connections with the wider community; and to gain access to new skills and training which will help them move on to positive destinations. We can work with anyone aged 16+ who is reporting difficulties with their mental health and wellbeing.


Three of our engagement staff recently qualified as Decider Skills Facilitators. We are now looking to introduce Decider Skills within our activity engagement sessions at The Walled Garden – Creative Wellbeing, Healthy Lifestyles, Gardening and Hospitality. Decider skills supports and encourages self-management, which includes things like sound and rational decision making. Participant workbooks are not within most client’s affordability, creating a financial barrier to meaningful access. From a cost of living perspective, supporting these expenditures would alleviate any financial pressure and allow clients to engage in this form of therapeutic and self-development activity equitably.  


How Decider Skills can directly influence the cost of living -

The ‘think’, ‘focus’ and ‘pace and plan’ skills support resilience and anxiety management, offering clients the confidence to navigate problematic situations with finances and seeking help. ‘Turn the mind’ challenges habitual behaviour and patterns, and offers alternative ways that can lead to a more helpful outcome. ‘STOPP’ considers impulse, and how we can objectively respond to strong emotions.


The Decider Skills | The Decider

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Wonderland Event - North Perth

2025-01-21  •  No comments  •  Adventure Circus  •  Central and North Perth

Overview: Wonderland is a community-based initiative devised by Adventure Circus SCIO in 2024. Wonderland’s aim is to bringing free outdoor circus performances and workshops to local parks in Perthshire. The project focuses on engaging children and families, particularly those from low-income areas, offering them the opportunity to experience live circus entertainment and actively participate in circus skills training within their own community (Perth), out of doors during the summer holidays. 

Our goals: 

  • Access to the Arts during cost of living crisis: we want to provide children and families in low-income / semi-rural areas with the chance to see a professional circus performance, something that may otherwise be financially out of reach. 
  • Skill Development: we love to share what we do, and so our performances always include an element of participation to encourage children to engage in circus skills. For example our performers will help members of the public to try juggling, hula hooping, and aerial arts, promoting physical activity, creativity and self-confidence. 
  • Community Building: Our visits are intended to offer a community activity that brings local people together for a fun, inclusive and interactive experience. As an outdoor spectacle, there is no limit to the number of people who can attend. In 2024 we performed Wonderland in Perth to approximately 150 people of all ages. 
  • Wellbeing Focus: It is our long term aim that our Wonderland events provoke audience members to consider taking part in circus skills, either through our education programme, or through self practise. Circus arts have a well known reputation for improving mental/emotional wellbeing due to a long history of inclusivity, and the skills offer an opportunity for self-expression, resilience and crucially for young people, play. 

Key Activities: 

  • Outdoor Circus Show: Our professional circus performers will put on an engaging outdoor show that is family-friendly and accessible to all ages.  The show is based on Alice in Wonderland and so the story concept is recognisable to many people because of it’s well known characters and timeless themes such as curiosity, exploration, personal growth, absurdity and nonsense! 
  • Taster Sessions: After the performance, children and adults will be invited to try their hand at various circus skills like juggling, hula hooping and aerial hoop workshops led by the circus performers. Participants will be encouraged to experiment and learn. 
  • Community Involvement: Alongside our performers, local volunteers from Adventure Circus, including our young leaders, will assist with workshop delivery and gain valuable community experience. We will spend time getting to know local people and can encourage them to join us, continue to practise independently. 

Target Audience: 

  • Children aged 3-14, particularly those from lower-income backgrounds who may not experience many special activities / experiences due to the cost of living crisis and limitations of the family budget 
  • Families and community members who may not typically access large-scale entertainment or arts events because they cannot afford to attend or because they do not have the means to travel out with their area due to limitations of public transport / cost. 


  • For Children: Encourages physical activity and boosts confidence and resilience through fun, engaging experiences. 
  • For Families: Provides a free, inclusive arts/circus experience that brings joy for all the family and introduces new ways to engage in physical activity. 
  • For all: floor skills such as juggling and hula hooping are extremely low cost and are accessible beyond our Wonderland experiences through our community classes, or through self exploration at home using resources such as youtube/TikTok/Instagram 
  • For the Community: Strengthens local connections Adventure Circus has within different areas throughout Perth & Kinross and helps to create lasting memories by bringing a positive, uplifting event to the community. 


With your help, we will be helping to increase access to the arts for children in underserved areas, we will encourage/enhance physical and mental wellbeing through creative circus play and we will help to strengthen community cohesion and pride in local parks as venues for cultural and recreational activities. 

By bringing the magic of the circus directly to the community, Wonderland creates a free, accessible opportunity for children to see, learn, and play, and best of all, it is all set up right in their own parkland!


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Wonderland Event - Crieff

2025-01-21  •  No comments  •  Adventure Circus  •  South Crieff

Overview: Wonderland is a community-based initiative devised by Adventure Circus SCIO in 2024. Wonderland’s aim is to bringing free outdoor circus performances and workshops to local parks in the school summer holidays. The project focuses on engaging children and families, particularly those from low-income areas, offering them the opportunity to experience live circus entertainment and actively participate in circus skills training within their own community (Crieff), out of doors during the summer. 

Our goals: 

  • Access to the Arts during cost of living crisis: we want to provide children and families in low-income / semi-rural areas with the chance to see a professional circus performance, something that may otherwise be financially out of reach. 
  • Skill Development: we love to share what we do, and so our performances always include an element of participation to encourage children to engage in circus skills. For example our performers will help members of the public to try juggling, hula hooping, and aerial arts, promoting physical activity, creativity and self-confidence. 
  • Community Building: Our visits are intended to offer a community activity that brings local people together for a fun, inclusive and interactive experience. As an outdoor spectacle, there is no limit to the number of people who can attend. In 2024 we performed Wonderland in Crieff to approximately 250 people of all ages. 
  • Wellbeing Focus: It is our long term aim that our Wonderland events provoke audience members to consider taking part in circus skills, either through our education programme, or through self practise. Circus arts have a well known reputation for improving mental/emotional wellbeing due to a long history of inclusivity, and the skills offer an opportunity for self-expression, resilience and crucially for young people, play. 

Key Activities: 

  • Outdoor Circus Show: Our professional circus performers will put on an engaging outdoor show that is family-friendly and accessible to all ages.  The show is based on Alice in Wonderland and so the story concept is recognisable to many people because of it’s well known characters and timeless themes such as curiosity, exploration, personal growth, absurdity and nonsense! 
  • Taster Sessions: After the performance, children and adults will be invited to try their hand at various circus skills like juggling, hula hooping and aerial hoop workshops led by the circus performers. Participants will be encouraged to experiment and learn. 
  • Community Involvement: Alongside our performers, local volunteers from Adventure Circus, including our young leaders, will assist with workshop delivery and gain valuable community experience. We will spend time getting to know local people and can encourage them to join us, continue to practise independently. 

Target Audience: 

  • Children aged 3-14, particularly those from lower-income backgrounds who may not experience many special activities / experiences due to the cost of living crisis and limitations of the family budget 
  • Families and community members who may not typically access large-scale entertainment or arts events because they cannot afford to attend or because they do not have the means to travel out with their area due to limitations of public transport / cost. 


  • For Children: Encourages physical activity and boosts confidence and resilience through fun, engaging experiences. 
  • For Families: Provides a free, inclusive arts/circus experience that brings joy for all the family and introduces new ways to engage in physical activity. 
  • For all: floor skills such as juggling and hula hooping are extremely low cost and are accessible beyond our Wonderland experiences through our community classes, or through self exploration at home using resources such as youtube/TikTok/Instagram 
  • For the Community: Strengthens local connections Adventure Circus has within different areas throughout Perth & Kinross and helps to create lasting memories by bringing a positive, uplifting event to the community. 


With your help, we will be helping to increase access to the arts for children in underserved areas, we will encourage/enhance physical and mental wellbeing through creative circus play and we will help to strengthen community cohesion and pride in local parks as venues for cultural and recreational activities. 

By bringing the magic of the circus directly to the community, Wonderland creates a free, accessible opportunity for children to see, learn, and play, and best of all, it is all set up right in their own parkland!


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Join our FREE & FUN range of after school clubs in Meigle!

2025-02-07  •  No comments  •  Amber_Laverty_634  •  Coupar Angus, Meigle & Alyth

Meigle Parent Council would like to bring a fun range of clubs to the children of Meigle, Alyth, Coupar Angus and surrounding areas. 

We understand that the the cost of living crisis has impacted families to the point that they can no longer afford to pay for their children to attend clubs and classes outside of school. We have also identified that there is a lack of after school activities in the local area.

Our plan is to offer a different club for 8 weeks each term, running from April 2025-April 2026, including art, dance, outdoor skills and yoga & mindfulness. These would be led by experienced instructors within Meigle Kinloch Hall and Belmont Woods for outdoor activities. A healthy snack would also be provided at every session. We intend to give each child that attends the yoga & mindfulness classes a Mindfulness Journal to take home to continue what they will learn in the class. 

Children's Mental Heath Charity Place2Be's 2025 theme is 'Know Yourself, Grow Yourself'. We feel that the activities we have selected will give them the safe and supported space to explore their interests that will ultimately help support and enhance their mental wellbeing. We hope that through these classes they develop healthy life skills and habits, boost their self confidence and build resilience to help them cope with whatever life may put their way. 

We have based our numbers on approximately 20 children, coming to this number by looking at similar classes that have run in the past in similar sized villages. 

