On the Mend (continuation project)

Project proposal code: 72
Estimated Price
On the Mend is a learning and skills-based upcycling project where the positive impacts of making and mending, on building self-esteem, good mental health, and a connected community are promoted. The project has no barriers to participation and encourages creativity, trying a new skill, repairing, reusing or repurposing rather than buying new. On the Mend works in partnership with the CATH Shop on the High Street repurposing donated items.Description
Your support with this funding would allow us to
Continue to rent a property on the High St which creates an accessible and visible community venue for everyone in North and Central Perth to be involved in making and mending.
To build on those connections that individuals have made in their community, and all the positive impacts that has on well-being by offering more workshops and groups.
Offer free or very low cost access to an activity that has proven environmental, health and well-being credentials.
To continue to put volunteering and peer mentoring at the heart of everything we do at On the Mend by upskilling and increasing opportunities.
Expand what we currently offer over more days and to reach more people who cannot afford to enjoy lots of the leisure activities on offer in Perth.
Share the knowledge and skills of CATH outreach, housing support and literacy staff to as many in the community as we can and help those experiencing difficulties in housing, accessing benefits and the social isolation that poverty/lack of opportunity often brings.
On the Mend has been based on the High Street for just over a year having a positive impact on the Central and North Perth Community. We would like to be able to open more days and offer more opportunities for individuals and local groups to be able to access our workshops. This continuation funding would also enable current participants to build skills further as we have found peer mentoring has been a really successful way of engaging and is a gateway to more structured volunteer opportunities.
On the Mend currently operates Wednesday to Friday and the current core activities are;
Wednesday morning Textile Upcycle, which currently has 16 participants where attendees can come along and knit, crochet and sew all with donated materials and all free of charge. Some participants come with a strong skill level and take great pleasure in sharing those skills, others are perhaps new to making. For many in the group it would be prohibitively expensive to buy and learn to use a sewing machine but with the support of On the Mend staff and others in the group we have seen confidence and skills grow. We currently do not have enough time to accommodate everyone wanting to use a sewing machine and would want to create a new group for this activity to develop and increase inclusion.
Wednesday afternoons is Furniture Upcycling. To keep within space constraints and to adhere to health and safety best practice this group is kept to a maximum of 8 participants. Again, this activity is free and we provide all materials with the pieces of furniture being saved from going into landfill. This workshop has created a small income with upcycled items being displayed in the window and sold. This creates a huge sense achievement,by working on something over a number of weeks, and seeing the finished piece going to someone’s home. This group demonstrates, on a tight budget, the impact of repurposing rather than buying new.
On Thursdays we have had a community-driven crochet group, this developed from a tutored group with participants wanting to keep the group going themselves.
The Friday the Fun Crafternoon has been a huge success and we do not have the capacity for everyone who wants to attend. During the Crafternoon participants are given the opportunity to make an upcycled item to take away, no special skills are required. A huge part of this, as with all the groups at On the Mend, is the social aspect. Whilst being creative everyone is chatting, laughing and connecting with their community. It has been extremely difficult to turn anyone away and we would very much like to be able to offer a second session of the Fun Crafternoon.
We have run a number of volunteer led workshops in,for example, upholstery and needle felting and have worked with local organisations like Trauma Healing Together and would aim to build on collaborative projects with other organisations in Perth. Everyone who attends On the Mend groups has access to the expertise that CATH staff have in housing, benefits issues, literacy and building confidence and skills . This is not the focus of any On the Mend activities but can serve as a gateway to anyone who may find themselves in need of support or advice.
External video
https://player.vimeo.com/video/1053426134?h=8fcdf0bd23Location: North and Central Perth
Proposed on behalf of: Churches Action for the Homeless
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