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Get Into Tennis and Bowling - Under 12s Free Memberships for 2025-2026

A Alyth Bowling & Tennis Club  •  2025-02-05  •  No comments  •  Coupar Angus, Meigle & Alyth  • 

Tennis Club lesson January 2025
Tennis Club lesson January 2025

Project proposal code: 79

Estimated Price



To make sport affordable for parents and accessible for primary school age children by introducing free memberships and access to tennis and bowling lessons at reduced prices (50%) at the Alyth Bowling and Tennis Club.


We want to offer more sports opportunities to primary aged children to encourage them to have a more active lifestyle.   One of the impacts of the cost-of-living crisis means parents/carers are unable to afford to give their children this chance.  During Health Week, the Primary School children take to the bowling green and tennis courts and love trying out the sports, so we aim to provide more of them with the opportunity to continue playing and having fun. 

We would offer free memberships for children in local primary schools and 50% off all lessons and Easter and Summer camps throughout the period March 2025-March 2026.  

We provide free access to all equipment which is available to any child when the club is open, over and beyond the coaching and camp sessions. 

The Alyth Bowling & Tennis Club is located next to the Alyth Primary School and is easily accessible on foot in the middle of the town.  

We have reached our estimated cost of the project by reviewing figures for the past 2 years of families paying for yearly membership, regular lesson blocks and participating in Easter and Summer camps. We have given ourselves a stretch target of 100% increase in the number of children accessing sport. We have estimated the cost of this project to cover 50 children getting free memberships and 50% off all lessons and camps for one year.  

Location: The Alyth Bowling and Tennis Club - This grant would impact the members using the clubhouse, bowling green and tennis courts

Proposed on behalf of: The Alyth Bowling and Tennis Club

Don't have defined milestones