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PKC Community Choices

Proposals with scope: Strathearn & Strathallan

Total budget £25,716


Crieff Community Garden Food Share

2023-12-15  •  No comments  •  Letham Climate Challenge  •  Strathearn & Strathallan

Crieff Community Gardeners are a constituted community group based in Crieff Community Garden. We have an active community food larder within the community garden which offers free surplus vegetables harvested from the garden together with surplus dry goods from Crieff Coop. The has been a great service for locals suffering from the effects of the cost of living crisis. They can discreetly take anything food they require on a daily basis.


Unfortunately we have suffered severe vandalism which means that our current shed hosting the food larder has been severely damaged and is no longer lockable. Vandals have kicked in the door and kicked the walls from the inside out. 

This is an essential service which we need to continue, but being unable to lock the shed, our volunteers can no longer do evening deliveries as we cannot leave the food unattended overnight for health and safety reasons. They are therefore having to do early morning deliveries on a daily basis which is causing a strain on our volunteers.


We require a new sturdy shed, together with mini polytunnels to asisst our veg growing and some new bulbs. 

Crieff In Leaf at Work

Crieff In Leaf

2023-12-04  •  No comments  •  ElspethBruce  •  Strathearn & Strathallan

Crieff In Leaf has operated as a successful environmental group which will be celebrating its 30th Anniversary in 2024.  The group is comprised purely of volunteers who  enhance the environment of this historic tourist centre.  Their operating base is at Alichmore Road, where there is  presently a limited resource for composting.  The group are required to purchase  compost which is costly in terms of monetary value and environmental impact.  Given their environmental credentials and conscience, they use peat free compost which commands a higher price/cost.  Whilst they endeavour to compost some of the downtakings, it has been necessary to make up to 4 trips per week to the Crieff Recycling Centre on Broich Road, using  their Great Wall Stead vehicle which has a relatively high  emission rating of 200 g /km.  The distance from Crieff to the recycling centre is approximately 3km.  The distance fron Crieff to the Alichmore Road site is significatly less.  The needs of the group are to relocate  all composting to the Alichmore site and to become self sufficient in compost.  There is also a drive to more sustainable planting and to use the current polytunnels to overwinter plants etc; both  polytunnels  require re skinning. 

Should this application be successful, this will allow the group to purchase the following

4 x 189 litre rotating composting bins 

1 x Hyundai Chipper/Shredder 

4 x Standard Composting Bins 

Reskinning of Polytunnels and Associated Sundries 










Cycle Crieff Cargo bike delivery service!

Cargo bikes and increased bike access and recognition

2023-12-14  •  28 comments  •  galonuchaf  •  Strathearn & Strathallan

Our proposal for this fund is to investigate and research the feasibility of setting up and establishing a community Cycle Crieff Cargo bike delivery service! 

The easiest way to describe how we want operate is – A do anything local delivery service easily accessed using cargo bikes and helping reduce vehicle use.  Run by locals helping visitors and locals to use their community services and facilities. Pay what you can afford!!

Cycle Crieff Cargo!

How It Works

1. You call, email or contact us via the website and let us know what you need picked up and delivered, where it needs to go and by when.

2. We will confirm the details and price with you. If cost is an issue, please offer what you can currently afford!

3. Once all agreed, we will come and collect on our delivery bike.

4. Once we deliver your items, you will receive a confirmation message that it has been delivered safely.

The wheelchair accessible, low floor, Town Bus

Auchterarder Town Bus Service

2023-12-21  •  No comments  •  Auchterarder Community Bus Group (ACBuG)  •  Strathearn & Strathallan

This funding bid to the Green Living Fund, if successful, will materially help Auchterarder Community Bus Group (ACBuG) maintain at least a three-day a week timetable on the Auchterarder Town Bus Service from April 2024 for the subsequent 12 months.  If sufficient funds can be generated a fourth day will be added.

Auchterarder Community Bus Group (ACBuG) was formed to address community concerns about a lack of public transport provision within the residential areas of Auchterarder.  For a not insignificant proportion of the local community carrying out relatively straight forward daily activities, such as shopping or going to a medical appointment, was difficult or even impossible.  Social isolation was clearly seen to be a real issue for some residents.

Since its launch the Town Bus Service has successfully helped an increasing number of residents to participate more fully in their community. 

In early 2023 the ACBuG faced some significant financial challenges, and the Town Bus was only able to operate for two days a week from June 2023.  Fortunately, with crucial funding support received from Friends of St Margaret’s, The National Lottery Community Fund and through the Perth & Kinross Warm Welcome Fund, amongst others, a four-day a week timetable was implemented from 06 November 2023 and will continue up to the end of March 2024. 

The two-day operation saw the average number of daily journeys increase significantly, with an overall average of 56 passengers per day.  Initial figures for the four-day timetable look encouraging and the usage target(s) will be reassessed to better reflect the enhanced timetable.

ACBuG believes that a three-day timetable offers a reasonable degree of accessibility for local residents to the shops and community facilities in central Auchterarder, as well as to the health and social care facilities at St Margaret’s; whilst this would be materially enhanced with the operation of a fourth day.

How the Town Bus helps improve quality of life in our community

Clearly the overarching aim of ACBuG has been to make our community more accessible, so that individuals do not find it as difficult to participate in community life.

Through on-going survey work, ACBuG has received numerous positive statements with accessibility to shops and other community facilities for those with no car or limited mobility an important benefit highlighted.  Complementing accessibility, bus users also mentioned the bus providing them with independence to get out, including reducing isolation.

Whilst the Town Bus service is open to the whole community, our focus has been on assisting people in need by reason of age, ill-health, disability, or residential isolation.

The timetable and routing of the bus service, which operates hourly during the day, is intended to make it attractive and easy to use.  ACBuG also offers one-to-one support to potential new users through Travel Assistance for Independent Mobility.  An increasing number of residents with wheelchairs and other mobility aids regularly use the bus.  With the bus operating on a ‘hail and ride’ basis, the driver can also be particularly sensitive to the mobility needs of passengers.

How does the bus help people in our community with the cost of living

The Town Bus is a registered local bus service and, as a result, most passengers travel free if they have a valid National Entitlement Card.  For the elderly, people with a disability and young people under 22 years of age, this is important because it avoids any fiscal barrier to using the service.  For those that must pay to use the Town Bus, a low flat fare of just £1.20 single applies to all journeys.
