Results announced
Participatory budgets phases
- About the Green Living Fund
- Accepting proposals
- Reviewing proposals
- Valuating projects
- Voting
- Reviewing voting
- Current phase Results announced
About the Green Living Fund
The Green Living Fund is a new opportunity for community groups within Local Action Partnerships to apply for a grant to support new initivatives that improve quality of life within the local community; tackle climate-related priorites detailed within the community's Local Action Plan and helps those with the community with the cost of living.
Proposals should be designed in collaboration with your local CLD team to fit within at least one of the following criteria:
- Energy - reducing consumption, promoting efficiency
- Transport - encouraging active travel, decarbonising transport
- Waste - reduce, reuse and recycle
- Resilience - improving greenspace, biodiversity, local food growing
- Engagement - increasing public awareness and engaging communities
The proposals will then be screened by an expert panel to confirm feasibility before the proposals go forward to the public voting stage, where members of the local community will be able to choose which proposals will recieve funding.
Accepting proposals
The Green Living Fund is now open for submissions. As a reminder, we ask that proposals are discussed with your local CLD team and you read through the guidance notes before your submit your full proposal.
The proposal you submit will be used to encourage votes from members of your local community, so make sure to utilise all the features to make it as vibrant and eye-catching as possible.
You can attach photos, a video or add quotes from local community members about the anticipated impact of the proposal.
Please note, as part of your application, you should complete an Additional Information Form and attach it onto your application form.
Additional Information Form![](
Reviewing proposals
Thank you to everyone who submitted a proposal! We are now working to review all proposals recieved, checking feasibility and other factors.
Approved proposals will be put through to the voting stages, due to commence on 12th February.
Valuating projects
We are currently looking at all the proposals recieved and evaluating them. All successful proposals will go forward to the voting stage, opening to the public on 12th February.
It's now time for the local community to have their say and vote for their favourite projects.
You can get involved by creating an account and accessing the voting form, where you can use the available budget to pick the projects you think should be funded. Please note that the budget for Strathtay has been allocated, and will not being going to a public vote.
You can only vote in ONE locality
Click on the links below to select your locality or click on the map to see all projects for your locality
Vote in your locality
Vote Now
Reviewing voting
Results announced
The results of the 2023/24 Green Living Fund were announced at a celebration event on 12th March. These results can be found on the council website via Green Living Fund winners announced - Perth & Kinross Council (
Overall, over 2,000 voters made their voice heard casting around 5,000 votes for proposals within their localities. 41 projects recieved a share of around £215,000.
Go to ResultsGreen Living Fund
- Almond & Earn £23,899
- Eastern Perthshire £38,360
- Highland £19,663
- Kinross-shire £23,863
- Perth City £49,919
- Strathearn & Strathallan £25,716
- Strathtay £41,112
Project proposals located geographically
About participatory budgeting (PB)
In a participatory budget the citizens decide to which projects the budget is spent on. For more information on PB specifically in Scotland, please visit