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Empowering folks to envisage tangible action through film screenings discussions

T The Birks Cinema  •  2023-12-06  •  No comments  •  Highland  • 

The Birks Cinema
The Birks Cinema

Project proposal code: 8

Estimated Price




We would like to raise awareness and promote discussion about climate change through thought provoking film, lived experience and information sharing by delivering a monthly programme over the next year. This programme would include topics which relate to the criteria identified by the Green Living Fund.

In order to be able to do this in the current climate, with no barriers, we would like to make this programme available at little or no cost to participants.

To facilitate this we propose joining an organisation called Take One Action –

“Take One Action nurtures communal exploration of the stories, ideas and questions at the heart of positive social change. Through film screenings, conversation and enquiry, we bring people together to inspire a fairer, more sustainable and more fulfilling world, in Scotland and beyond our borders”

This enables us to access a film catalogue and screen 6 films in a year without a license.

After each screening we propose to have a discussion on the topic, have information available and refer participants to other organisation locally that they can contact to take action locally – or nationally if relevant.

We have piloted this idea with a film called Riverwoods  - at the end we asked if any of those attending were interested in volunteering for a local rewilding project to leave their contact details. We checked with the project organiser recently and they were delighted by the number of folks who volunteered to help them.

Location: Highland Perthshire and Killin

Proposed on behalf of: The Birks Cinema Trust - We take our environmental responsibilities seriously - with a very well insulated building and the recent installation of Solar Panels. Our Charitable Purposes are: 1. to develop and manage premises to promote the arts, heritage and culture by providing a location for films, music, drama and entertainment and for other community-related facilities; 2. to advance education in the arts, heritage and culture by providing educational films and other media and by organising and promoting training, tuition and courses in and relating to the arts, heritage and/or culture; 3. to advance development of the communities of Highland Perthshire and Killin Parish, and for members of the public generally.

Don't have defined milestones