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Wisecraft Blooms: Renewal & Wellbeing

S sarah.oelmez  •  2023-12-05  •  No comments  •  Eastern Perthshire  • 

Existing car park; the area we aim to substitute for our green space
Existing car park; the area we aim to substitute for our green space

Project proposal code: 6

Estimated Price




In November 2023 Wisecraft sadly lost access to a neighbouring green space; an area which had been utilised by our clients and volunteers since 2013 (see former green space photos document). Plans will soon commence to develop this area into an outdoor eatery and bar by a local landowner, having a detrimental impact on Wisecraft’s surrounding environment and the clients who worked tremendously hard to maintain this beautiful space, entitled ‘Wellbeing Blooms’. To maintain our green approach and establish new client led opportunities, we aim to reduce the size of our car park and create a green space for growing fruit, vegetables and wildflowers (see existing car park photos document). To help insects thrive we will establish seasonal flowering plants and plant wildlife-friendly shrubs, and take a fully organic approach. We will reuse and upcycle materials within our joinery department to build new planters. These planters will hold fruit and vegetable crops for clients’ use during our Community Cookit sessions, or for them to enjoy at home with supporting Community Cookit recipe cards. Our Healthy Lifestyle Engagement Worker will deliver workshops on ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’; supporting sustainable living skills which can be transferred into clients’ day to day lives. We will provide/support waste education and awareness as a driving change towards waste and litter. Other sustainable practices will include collecting rainwater. Lack of space and gardening expertise is consistently shared as one of the biggest barriers for clients engaging in horticulture activity. Creating this supportive space will help remove this barrier and hopefully motivate client towards considering their green approaches at home; demonstrating how much can be achieved in a restricted area. To account for condensing the car parking area we will encourage employee car-sharing, and with help from Cycling Scotland, we will embrace our new cycling initiative ‘The Pedal Revolution’.  

‘Wisecraft Blooms: Renewal & Wellbeing’ fits three criteria within the Green Living Fund; that being Waste, Resilience and Engagement. By helping our client and volunteer community to grow produce on site, engage in accessible cooking groups and enhance skills to grow/cook at home, we are also supporting with the cost of living crisis.

Location: Blairgowrie and Rattray

Proposed on behalf of: Wisecraft

Don't have defined milestones