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Mens Shed Insulation and Heating

K Kinross.mensshed  •  2023-12-21  •  No comments  •  Kinross-shire  • 

Project proposal code: 51

Estimated Price




At the Kinross and District Mens Shed,Charity we are based in an old uninsulated building.

We have a very good attendence , of individuals, and groups, .(eg- sparks)

Being a charity, we are reliant on grants and donations to enable us to continue our work, of looking after mens health and wellbeing.

Unfortunately, with the high cost of heating, a boiler that was condemned 2 years ago, shortage of radiators,and non existent insulation, we are throwing money through the roof,,-* trying to keep the building warm for our shedders.

In terms of helping those with the Cost of Living, our shed is open to all men and has no membership or session charge. We also run a warm spaces where we offer warm refreshments for all men and women. We provide information on welfare rights with support from local workers; heating costs through the Heat project and are planning to commence cooking classes in future.

If successful, in our application for funding, we would be able to insulate the roof , replace the boiler, with an efficient one, replace the radiators,and reduce our heating costs by a large margin, making the building far more efiicient, and confortable for the participating groups. By reducing our running costs, we will then have more funds left for our community work

Location: Kinross Mens Shed, Swansacre, Kinross

Proposed on behalf of: kinross & district mens shed

Don't have defined milestones