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Letham Climate Action- Supporting a Greener Letham

L Letham Climate Challenge  •  2023-12-14  •  No comments  •  Perth City  • 


Project proposal code: 35

Estimated Price




Letham Climate Challenge is an established local charity, based in North Perth, which aim is to help people reduce waste , recycle , reuse and raise awareness of how people can contribute to tackling climate challenge. They operate the Letham Community Swap Shops in Garth Avenue, and also manage the Kingswell and Kinloch Terrace allotments. The organisation encourages both families and schoolchildren to grow their own food and discover the many health benefits of gardening and every plot is taken and there is a waiting list.

Water supply:

Letham Climate Challenge regularly engage with the plot holders, trying to improve the allotments and support their development. As result of listening to plot holders from the Kinloch Terrace site, Letham Climate Challenge is trying to improve access to water for the plot holders. Previously they group have tried to have water supplied to the site, but this proving challenging in terms of access to the supply and the cost is prohibitive. Plot holders have come up with the solution of installing 1000litre  water tanks together with water butts to be fixed to the communal shed in order to collect enough rainwater to support the site. This would the reduce the need to carry water to the site in vehicles and be beneficial in terms of encouraging the healthy growth of produce on the site. Furthermore, easier access to water would encourage participation from plot holders and volunteers as the task is less strenuous having water sources throughout the allotment,  and knowing that plants they have taken time to cultivate can indeed be watered. If we attached 2 waterbutts to the shed with guttering and drainpipes them we could collect rain water which could keep us going until the fire service can next refill the 1000litre water tanks.

Connecting Swap Shop and Allotments:

Letham Climate Challenge wish to encourage a better collaboration and community awareness between our Swap Shop based on Garth Road and our allotments at Kingswell and Kinloch Terrace.

In order to do so, we propose installing raised flower beds outside of the Garth Road store to give locals and shop-goers a taste of gardening to then signpost them to greater opportunities at our allotments.

We want to encourage everyone in our community to get involved in gardening, and learn new skills and techniques from our volunteers. We would like to educate people about organic growing for food security: Everyone can see the results of cooperation, hard work, and patience when they finally taste the fruits of their labour. By building raised flower beds which can be accessed by wheelchair users, we are encouraging everyone of all abilities to interact with nature and hopefully assist the next generation of eco-friendly eaters. Gardening can be a very sociable experience so by creating a wellbeing space and connecting with wellbeing groups we believe that we can foster positive social interactions for those suffering from poor mental health. Many people are suffering from isolation and loneliness due to the COVID-19 pandemic and we wish to alleviate these stresses by bringing people together in a safe and welcoming environment.  Within the flower beds, we wish to plant a fruit tree/ bush in each to create a free fruit supply for the local community.

Location: Letham, Perth

Don't have defined milestones