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Kirkmichael Community Garden

J Joanne_Slater_293  •  2023-12-13  •  1 comment  •  Eastern Perthshire  • 


Project proposal code: 21

Estimated Price




Quick Summary

Kirkmichael Community Garden are a charity, just starting out, and are looking for support to help fund the development of our garden. This money would go towards building raised beds, our welfare shed and potting/ tool sheds. We are hoping to get cracking with this work and the growing this spring, so we have produce to share with the whole community in the summer time. We have 23 volunteers lined up and the primary schools kids will have thier own space in the garden to learn about growing.


is a SCIO established in November 2022, following around 1.5 years of work by our association to source land and consult with the community. We took ownership of 0.8 acres of land in June 2023, donated to the charity by a local land owner. We have a professional design, which includes community growing plots, 15m polytunnel, area of the primary school and scouts, wild flower area, sensory area and a large welfare shed, with potting/ tool shed.

We carried out a survey through our local newsgroup in Mid 2021 with 17 positive responses of local people, since then we held a community meeting in Summer 2023, to give a project update and carry out consultation on what the community would like to see in the garden. We currently operate a volunteer WhatsApp group which has 23 members, from this around 10 have volunteered so far with some of the initial development work. Once the garden is developed and ready for planting we plan to hold weekly volunteer session.

When we acquired the land we immediately dug a small plot with the school kids, so they could get started this season. They sowed seeds and harvested the first produce in October for their harvest assembly. Longer term, we plan to have raised beds and a small polytunnel for them to learn from, we have agreed with the Craig Loudon that the kids will work towards the RHS School Gardener Award next term, which the charity plan to support as much as possible.

We also eventually plan to deliver workshops for local to come and learn, not just for the community garden but to increase their skills for tending their own garden.

We have just been grant planning permission for the design and are hoping to get started with the main development this Spring.


The heart of this project is about creating space so the community can grow food. Investment in this project will have an amazing, positive impact on the village now and for generations to come. Not only will the garden provide space for this it will also facilitate learning and spark interest in growing your own. We plan to have a large polytunnel also to optimise the growing season.

Within the garden there will also be wild flower areas to attract pollinators and to improve biodiversity, this work is already underway. The kids will also have a bug hotel. Kirkmichael does not have any significant outdoor space for the community, except a small seating area in front of the village shop. The garden will provide a space for outdoor community gatherings. There will also be space set aside for people to come and spend time, reflect and relax.

The garden produce will be given to our volunteer group for free, with the rest being offered to the community for an optional donation, through our own veg shack and through the village shop. Those who are adversely effected by the cost of living crisis can directly benefit from getting his healthy food from the garden. In addition, having the food available in the village could mean there is less need to travel to Blairgowrie and Pitlochry to food. 


The community garden will provide a space for local people to come together to enjoy being outside in nature, while starting new or strengthen friendships, helping to address social isolation particularly for those who live alone in this rural area. Many people who live alone can lack the confidence to connect with others in a social setting, the garden creates a great opportunity for people to come and engage a little bit or a lot, just helping with odd jobs, so they can gradually develop stronger relationships in this setting. 

We plan to hold 2 volunteering sessions per week, where locals can come and help with the garden up keep. This will be a great opportunity for people again to connect and learn where guidance can be given on experience can be shared. We have already had a lot of interest in this, people with all level of experience and skills. We will offer the fresh, organic produce to the community as well as cooking workshops. Gathering to share recipes and good food will create a nice sense of community, health and well-being.

Community Action Plan

The best expression of local priorities can be found in the recently updated Mount Blair Community Action Plan (CAP). Amongst the issues highlighted by the CAP that align with the Community Garden project include the need to build better community involvement, spirit and resilience, better local facilities (particularly for children), the desire to tackle areas of abandoned or undeveloped land and the encouragement of projects that help establish, nurture or protect natural habitats and eco-systems.

The community survey activity that informs the CAP outcomes was undertaken in early 2022, so one huge issue it does not reflect are the effects of the tanking of the UK economy in September 2022, the war in Ukraine and the corresponding crises in inflation and the cost-of-living. These events bought the issue of increasing numbers of local households falling into food and fuel poverty into sharp focus. This has cast a new light on the ambitions of Garden which provides people with the opportunity and means to grow their own food.

Location: Field adjacent to Sillerburn Cemetery, Kirkmichael

Proposed on behalf of: Kirkmichael Community Garden (SCIO)

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