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A Greener Flexible Space for the Community

D Dunbarney & Forgandenny Parish Church  •  2023-12-12  •  No comments  •  Almond & Earn  • 

Internal drawings.png
Internal drawings.png

Project proposal code: 13

Estimated Price




Our congregation is carrying out a major refurbishment of the church sanctuary to create a new flexible space available for community use, with an Air Source Heat Pump heating installation to improve comfort levels in the building.

The current heating system is approx. 100 years old, lacks flexibility of control and is inefficient. Using renewable technology will improve energy efficiency, be environmentally friendly and be more versatile in its control.  The new space will allow larger community gatherings and activities to take place, with direct access created to our existing kitchen facilities.

The new flexible space will increase the capacity available to support the various Warm Space initiatives and Youth Drop In that we have started in the last year.  The building will be more accessible, less damaging to the environment and provide an improved public space for community use.

The community will benefit from our ongoing activities tackling social isolation and providing groups with a warm and comfortable place to meet.

Location: Bridge of Earn, Kintillo, Oudenarde

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