Souper Good
2025-02-07 • No comments • • South Crieff
Crieff ConneXions Cafe is a social space in Crieff Connexions where people can meet, chat and find support from volunteers and staff. We will be open 3 times on the week providing a safe, accessible and warm environment for people from across the community to meet. A range of people in Crieff experience social isolation due to their family circumstances, age or condition. The community cafe provides a low-cost place to meet others, get support and access services. We would like to step up from offering tea, coffee and biscuits to delivering a warm plate of soup to those who come along. With this added value will reach more people and provide them with nourishment. We will be able to utilise some of the surplus vegetables and bread, which we collect, to make an impact on food waste. Money will be spent on storecupboard ingredients, equipment and training. Some existing volunteers will be upskilled to make and serve soup, we have young volunteers working with us as well as volunteers with special needs and those who find it hard to get work.. Crieff ConneXions also provides a community pantry, offering low-cost food, a school uniform shop, providing gently used school uniform, public WiFi, access to computers and printing and a low-cost second-hand shop. We want to provide support for people whilst giving the dignity and choice. For this part of the project we would like to reach out to local elderly people through an invitation leaflet,

Crieff Community Garden
2025-01-27 • No comments • • South Crieff
Crieff Community Gardeners are a constituted community group based in Crieff Community Garden.
Our current space offers numerous opportunities for community groups to take part, whether it’s growing vegetables in one of our many raised beds, or creating bee friendly zones in our wild meadow section, or hosting wellness meetings in our open green spaces. In order to maintain the garden, we need to purchase annual plants and bulbs together with compost and bark.
Crieff Community Gardeners host free family events throughout the year- our first one of 2025 being an Easter celebration with an egg hunt and games. These events require catering, crafts and activities, as well as marquee hire and prizes.

School Uniform Bank - Back to School & Nursery Packs-Cupar Angus, Meigle & Alyth
2025-02-07 • No comments • • Coupar Angus, Meigle & Alyth
2025 will be our fourth year running our Back to School Pack. In 2021 we provided 152 packs, in 2022 - 340, in 2023 - 400, and in 2024 we provided 512 Back to School Packs and 91 Back to Nursery Packs (our first year running this service). Our Packs are available to anyone who lives in these wards.
What is in a Back to School Pack?
Our packs include 3 shirts, 2 bottoms, 2 jumpers/cardis, 2 PE t shirts, 2 PE bottoms, a PE jumper and a school bag. We also aim to include school shoes and/or trainers plus stationary and other back to school essentials like pack lunch boxes or pencil cases. Everything a child needs for taking part in their school journey.
What is in a Back to Nursery Pack?
Our Back to Nursery packs include 5 days of mix and match outfits; 5 jumpers, 5 t-shirts, 5 bottoms, messy play clothing, a seasonal jacket and footwear. We also add in extras such as sun hats, vests and socks as we know children need these items to fully participate in their learning and no one comes home clean after one day in nursery!
Packs are personalised to each schools colours and the child’s style preferences (so you can tell us if they won’t wear shorts, or will only wear cardigans!) and their sensory needs to make sure the packs are made to suit the individual. We also ask for bag colours and characters and try our hardest to match up to their personal style. We believe our service should make the child feel confident and comfortable that they match their peers.
- All children should have access to high quality school uniform?
- We should protect our environment and make positive pre-loved clothing choices?
- By making little changes to our own lifestyle to support others we can make big changes for the future of our children?
Then please support us by voting for our Back to School & Nursery Pack project. Thank you.
Team Social Flock

Wellmeadow ABC wants to make boxing accessible to all
2025-02-07 • No comments • • Rattray
The club is based in Rattray and offers boxing lessons with separate classes for both adults and children. We are run totally by volunteers who give up their free time to ensure the club keeps running. Some of these volunteers have been brought up in poverty and can share their own experiences how much boxing helped them through that and other challenges in life.
We also share our space with local mens mental health charity Mantalk. We are very aware of the benefits boxing can have on not only your physical wellbeing but your mental health also. We work closely with Mantalk to encourage some of the guys along to give boxing a try and this has been massive in helping some of the Mantalk men.
We are affiliated with Boxing Alliance Scotland which allows our boxers to compete in competitions. This gives the boxers the opportunity to showcase their learning and abilities and gives them memories for life. We currently have two novice champions and one open Scottish champion however no matter if it’s a win, lose or a draw these opportunities give so much to their development, not only as a boxer but as a human being.
We are a not for profit club and any money we take in goes towards keeping our minibus on the road, travelling to competitions, heating and replacing any small damages. Boxing is a sport that needs to be accessible to all so we try to keep our membership fee down to ensure it is. Currently we ask kids for £10 a month( around 80p per session) and adults £20(around £1.60 a session). No one is ever turned away because they are unable to pay. In an ideal world we wouldn’t take any money as we believe sport should never be barriers for getting involved in sport however with the little we have coming in its already very hard to sustain.
This brings us to why we are applying for funding. Due to very little funds its very hard to update, renew the equipment we need to continue to offer this great sport at low cost and safe to the community. The basics needing renewed come to a total cost of just over £7000 which is a massive amount, we are asking for £5000 in this application and we have just raised around £1300 and with the young boxers planning a sponsored hill climb we would look to make up the remaining amount. These are things that we will have no choice to get to keep the club running safely and if the funding application is not successful then we will have to explore other options. The last thing we want to do is raise any memberships which would then put up a lot of barriers for those already struggling to the cost of living.
For those not involved in boxing it can be hard to understand the sport, however it gives so many people a sense of belonging. It offers discipline, fitness, opportunities to compete with the best and the benefits to mental health is immeasurable. If our project is given the green light then we will be offering free boxing lessons to any resident of Rattray for free for 10 weeks to allow them to give it a try and see the benefits for them self

BRCFT Health & Wellbeing Project
2025-01-17 • No comments • • Rattray
As a result of improvements made at the stadium at Davie Park, Blairgowrie & Rattray Community Football Trust (BRCFT) are excited to offer a programme of activities within the new built-for-purpose social space, designed to benefit the needs of the entire community, by promoting improved health & wellbeing.
It is BRCFT’s intention to open the space on an ad-hoc basis daily to provide a warm, welcoming space for residents of the SIMD 1 community in which it sits. As a result of ongoing community engagement, this has been identified as something that is very much needed, particularly during the winter months, due to the levels of deprivation the neighbouring communities are facing, resulting in glaring health inequalities.
However, not only do we want to open this space to use when needed, but we also intend to develop an activity programme that brings the community through the doors, providing the ability to utilise other support services that are on offer and, thus, reducing the stigma of accepting help. Due to the strength of the presence that BRCFT and the sport of football has in the local community, it provides the unique opportunity to destigmatise and normalise the acceptance of support, making the Trust in a powerful position to monitor changing needs and be responsive to this.
The health & wellbeing project is designed to alleviate the impact of poverty and the cost-of-living on the health and wellbeing of Rattray residents. Recent key findings from SPICe publication titled ‘getting the inactive active: barriers to physical activity and their potential policy solutions’ (Scottish Parliament, 2025) highlights that Scotland have ‘disproportionately poor health outcomes’ and those facing the highest levels of deprivation are far less likely to participate in sport and physical activity, despite being the population that benefit most from it. Therefore, this identifies the need for a more targeted offering, due to the following conclusions: 1. 35% of school pupils living in 20% most deprived areas in Scotland are most likely to be inactive (only 23% for those in 20% least deprived areas evidencing the health inequalities). 2. People with disabilities, who are also experiencing poverty, are considerably more likely to have higher levels of sedentary behaviour. 3. Only 55% of 65–74-year-olds meet CMO guidelines for physical activity – 29% have very low activity. 4. Physical inactivity costs NHS Scotland over £77 million per annum.
Therefore, to support the Rattray community to improve these outcomes, the health & wellbeing project will encompass the following main features: 1. Introduce free BRCFT-led activities using new staff structure – Football Education Officer, Football Development Officer & sessional coaches 2. Provide venue hire at no cost to community organisations that promote improved health & wellbeing - 3 hours per week available with the focus being on mental health, women & girls, and disabilities, due to identified need. 3. Ad-hoc use of venue as a warm space – community café-style offering, hot drinks facilities consistently available etc.
This funding would be utilised to develop our initial programme of free activities, inclusive of: 1. Games club - video and board games in a social environment with physical activity incorporated into session - designed to encourage inactive children and young people to attend and increase physical activity levels. 2. Weight management sessions 'Fan Fitness' - 90-minute session for over 35s to improve mental, social and physical health by promoting lifestyle and behaviour changes through fun, educational and interactive activities. 3. Walking group - low-level activity suitable for all ages and abilities. 4. Sporting memories - supporting people aged 50+ including those living with dementia, depression or facing social isolation to improve their mental and physical wellbeing. 5. Activities for people with disabilities - adaptive and inclusive activities for people with disabilities who face limited access to activities to support their health & wellbeing due to related barriers.
It is essential to be able to provide access to activities at no cost to support those who are least active to become more active by reducing the barriers of participation, such as cost. This provides the opportunity to build upon the activity provision to reduce health inequalities in the area as BRCFT continue to build partnerships with NHS Tayside.
Although the maximum benefits are likely to be experienced by those living in Rattray, due to evidence that targeted physical activity provision is largely more beneficial in the 20% most deprived areas, it won’t be limited to the Rattray community due to BRCFT having a broader remit in Blairgowrie, Rattray and surrounding areas, and pockets of deprivation existing even in more affluent areas.
References: Meir, D., & Scott, D. (2025). Getting the inactive active: Barriers to physical activity and their potential policy solutions. Edinburgh: The Scottish Parliament. Available at: https://bprcdn.parliament.scot/published/2025/1/10/c1a1038a-6254-45be-b329-edba530b47e1/SB%2025-03.pdf

Wonderland Event - Coupar Angus
2025-01-21 • No comments • • Coupar Angus, Meigle & Alyth
Overview: Wonderland is a community-based initiative devised by Adventure Circus SCIO in 2024. Wonderland’s aim is to bringing free outdoor circus performances and workshops to local parks in Perthshire. The project focuses on engaging children and families, particularly those from low-income areas, offering them the opportunity to experience live circus entertainment and actively participate in circus skills training within their own community (Coupar Angus), out of doors during the summer holidays.
Our goals:
- Access to the Arts during cost of living crisis: we want to provide children and families in low-income / semi-rural areas with the chance to see a professional circus performance, something that may otherwise be financially out of reach.
- Skill Development: we love to share what we do, and so our performances always include an element of participation to encourage children to engage in circus skills. For example our performers will help members of the public to try juggling, hula hooping, and aerial arts, promoting physical activity, creativity and self-confidence.
- Community Building: Our visits are intended to offer a community activity that brings local people together for a fun, inclusive and interactive experience. As an outdoor spectacle, there is no limit to the number of people who can attend. In 2024 we performed Wonderland in Coupar Angus to approximately 250 people of all ages.
- Wellbeing Focus: It is our long term aim that our Wonderland events provoke audience members to consider taking part in circus skills, either through our education programme, or through self practise. Circus arts have a well known reputation for improving mental/emotional wellbeing due to a long history of inclusivity, and the skills offer an opportunity for self-expression, resilience and crucially for young people, play.
Key Activities:
- Outdoor Circus Show: Our professional circus performers will put on an engaging outdoor show that is family-friendly and accessible to all ages. The show is based on Alice in Wonderland and so the story concept is recognisable to many people because of it’s well known characters and timeless themes such as curiosity, exploration, personal growth, absurdity and nonsense!
- Taster Sessions: After the performance, children and adults will be invited to try their hand at various circus skills like juggling, hula hooping and aerial hoop workshops led by the circus performers. Participants will be encouraged to experiment and learn.
- Community Involvement: Alongside our performers, local volunteers from Adventure Circus, including our young leaders, will assist with workshop delivery and gain valuable community experience. We will spend time getting to know local people and can encourage them to join us, continue to practise independently.
Target Audience:
- Children aged 3-14, particularly those from lower-income backgrounds who may not experience many special activities / experiences due to the cost of living crisis and limitations of the family budget
- Families and community members who may not typically access large-scale entertainment or arts events because they cannot afford to attend or because they do not have the means to travel out with their area due to limitations of public transport / cost.
- For Children: Encourages physical activity and boosts confidence and resilience through fun, engaging experiences.
- For Families: Provides a free, inclusive arts/circus experience that brings joy for all the family and introduces new ways to engage in physical activity.
- For all: floor skills such as juggling and hula hooping are extremely low cost and are accessible beyond our Wonderland experiences through our community classes, or through self exploration at home using resources such as youtube/TikTok/Instagram
- For the Community: Strengthens local connections Adventure Circus has within different areas throughout Perth & Kinross and helps to create lasting memories by bringing a positive, uplifting event to the community.
With your help, we will be helping to increase access to the arts for children in underserved areas, we will encourage/enhance physical and mental wellbeing through creative circus play and we will help to strengthen community cohesion and pride in local parks as venues for cultural and recreational activities.
By bringing the magic of the circus directly to the community, Wonderland creates a free, accessible opportunity for children to see, learn, and play, and best of all, it is all set up right in their own parkland!
Video: https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/17929916303875766/

School Uniform Bank - Back to School & Nursery (Rattray)
2025-02-07 • No comments • • Rattray
2025 will be our fourth year running our Back to School Pack. In 2021 we provided 152 packs, in 2022 - 340, in 2023 - 400, and in 2024 we provided 512 Back to School Packs and 91 Back to Nursery Packs (our first year running this service). Our Packs are available to anyone who lives in these wards.
What is in a Back to School Pack?
Our packs include 3 shirts, 2 bottoms, 2 jumpers/cardis, 2 PE t shirts, 2 PE bottoms, a PE jumper and a school bag. We also aim to include school shoes and/or trainers plus stationary and other back to school essentials like pack lunch boxes or pencil cases. Everything a child needs for taking part in their school journey.
What is in a Back to Nursery Pack?
Our Back to Nursery packs include 5 days of mix and match outfits; 5 jumpers, 5 t-shirts, 5 bottoms, messy play clothing, a seasonal jacket and footwear. We also add in extras such as sun hats, vests and socks as we know children need these items to fully participate in their learning and no one comes home clean after one day in nursery!
Packs are personalised to each schools colours and the child’s style preferences (so you can tell us if they won’t wear shorts, or will only wear cardigans!) and their sensory needs to make sure the packs are made to suit the individual. We also ask for bag colours and characters and try our hardest to match up to their personal style. We believe our service should make the child feel confident and comfortable that they match their peers.
- All children should have access to high quality school uniform?
- We should protect our environment and make positive pre-loved clothing choices?
- By making little changes to our own lifestyle to support others we can make big changes for the future of our children?
Then please support us by voting for our Back to School & Nursery Pack project. Thank you.
Team Social Flock

Rattray Kids Party Time
2025-02-06 • No comments • • Rattray
Addressing the cost of living Rattray primary children will have the opportunity to have a fun filled afternoon with laughter and joy and bring about memories. This project combats poverty and alleviates the cost of living pressures on parents who are unable to afford additional costs outwith the normal weekly living expenses. This is not about education, keeping fit and active, learning a new skills or achievement - it is a simple approach to providing a little extra excitement and fun in a world where the challenges against the cost of living crisis can be overhwelming for many parents. The party events can be spread over a period of time ensuring that Rattray Primary School children can share fun with their school friends in an environment where they will feel safe with no stigma. This project aligns with the Perth & Kinross Community Action Plan 'for everyone to live well, free from poverty and inequality'.

CAYAG Adventure Seekers
2025-02-06 • 1 comment • • Coupar Angus, Meigle & Alyth
The CAYAG Adventure Seekers project aims to get more young people outdoors and being active. There is evidence that suggests young people being outdoors can improve their physical and mental wellbeing, support social skills and academic performance. Spending time outdoors can reduce feelings of stress and anger, and boost self-confidence and self-esteem by allowing young people to take risks in a safe space. In Coupar Angus and surrounding areas we are very lucky as there are so many great spaces we can explore and utilise.
We would start the project in May and end in October with every second Saturday having a different activity on offer. Each activity will be facilitated by skilled staff, which CAYAG staff and volunteers will support. Activities will include, adventure tubing, archery, gorge walking, mountaineering, paddle sports, clip n climb, mini highland games and more! We would be tailoring the activities to the young people's needs and abilities and set the programme with their input. There would also be the opportunity to gain awards and certificates in paddle sports, mountaineering, map reading etc. We would end the project with a residential to celebrate everyones achievements and also to deliver training oppotunities in outdoor first aid and Dynamic Youth Awards.
All activities would be open to the young people of Coupar Angus and surrounding areas, whether they are a member of CAYAG or not and will be free of charge. We are looking to boost engagement with the young people in the town and hope this project will encourage more young people to attend CAYAG. There would be free refreshments offered at each session with lunches provided for full day activities. Transport will also be available at no extra cost to the participant.
We will be working in partnership with local businesses, youth work partners and youth scotland to create a varied programme with something for everyone.
The Star Garden community outreach workshops.
2025-02-07 • No comments • • South Crieff
The Star Garden workshops will aim to involve the local young people in the community in gardening and other outdoor activities. We want to provide the children and young adults of Crieff with more exposure to gardening, composting, and sustainable gardening techniques. We understand not everyone has access to their own garden or gardening equipment, therefore with these workshops we aim to provide an opportunity to let a possible passion flourish amongst the youth. These workshops will provide a non-mainstream educational offering of engaging activities, in which the local youth will learn a range of skills both working as part of a team as well as independently.
The workshops will involve learning basic gardening techniques, such as planting and discussing growth cycles. Garden art, such as painting plant pots and other crafts. Composting workshop, learning about what can and cannot be composted. Herb and vegetable gardening, creating a ‘salad garden’ and learning how to care for herbs. Gardening also has many benefits for individuals with sensory affected disabilities. The activities in the workshops will help support the development of motor skills, can encourage emotional regulation, aid cognitive development, help deal with sensory responses and more.
The ‘Crieff Gleam Team’, who do litter picking in the local area, is something of interest to us as well, and we would like to also support their work during our workshops and get young people more involved in the community in which they live. We want to encourage the youth to explore the potential that comes with living in a rural location, such as having the opportunity to grow their own food in the garden, having a large outdoor space where they can come to relax and feel at peace. It is worth noting that the workshops will be free of charge for all those participating, as our main priority is to provide an opportunity for the youth of Crieff to explore new interests and hobbies.
To ensure the sustainability of these activities, we will run the workshops throughout June, July, and August. We plan to provide cover to accommodate the unpredictable Scottish weather, ensuring that the workshops can proceed rain or shine.