Logos, Eat, Repeat

Project proposal code: 106
Estimated Price
Logos Youth Project provides a safe, welcoming space for young people aged between 11 and 24 living in Crieff and the surrounding area, many of which live in the South Crieff area. Food has become an integral part of our offer to young people. We would like to consistently provide free food at each of our After School and evening club sessions during term times from May 2025 - March 2026.Description
"People who give you their food give you their heart." - Ceasar Chavez
The aim of our Logos, Eat, Repeat Project is to consistently provide free food at after school and evening sessions from May 2025 – March 2026 during term time. This includes toast, fresh fruit and hot/cold drinks.
We've previously had funding to provide food for young people during the holiday periods and would like to extend this offer to cover term times as well (May 2025- March 2026).
Following Maslow' developmental theory, we understand that food is key to growth and progression. By providing free food at each of our sessions, we ensure that all young people have access to a basic need without stigma.
We run 3 after school clubs for high school aged young people and 2 evening clubs, one specifically for S1’s and the other for S2 and over.
We currently offer toast and hot drinks at our sessions but due to the increased demand, we are unable to sustain this. In every evaluation that we have completed the young people have indicated that food is one of the key factors in why they attend the club.
There are young people living in the community who don’t regularly come into the club, but will come to the door and ask for toast because they know Logos is a place where they can get something free to eat.
One young person described: "I think the first time I came was because of the food and drinks but I have grown attached to the club and it's like a second home to me." - Young person aged 15.
We would like to be able to provide free food at each of our After School and evening club sessions from May 2025 – March 2026. This would include hot and cold drinks, toast and fresh fruit.
Young People always ask to cook and bake in their youth club sessions. Along with providing food at our after school clubs, we would also like to offer at least 2 cook and eat sessions per month, whereby the young people are involved in cooking a meal which they can eat together. This would also give them the opportunity to try new healthy foods. We are currently running Soup-A Saturday’s as part of the Warm Space funding, and we would like to be able to offer similar sessions during our evening clubs.
Through our Soup-a Saturday sessions where young people make soup together, we have observed young people improve their team working skills, communication skills, listening skills, responsiveness, resilience and responsibility.
Youth voice and participation is fundamental in our delivery. One of the requests from our young volunteers, many of whom are volunteering as part of their Duke of Edinburgh Award, is to complete their level 2 Food Hygiene. We would like to provide the opportunity for them to complete these awards.
Location: South Crieff
Proposed on behalf of: Logos Youth Project
Well done and Good Luck!