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Cargo bikes and increased bike access and recognition

G galonuchaf  •  2023-12-14  •  28 comments  •  Strathearn & Strathallan  • 

Cycle Crieff Cargo bike delivery service!
Cycle Crieff Cargo bike delivery service!

Project proposal code: 34

Estimated Price




Our proposal for this fund is to investigate and research the feasibility of setting up and establishing a community Cycle Crieff Cargo bike delivery service! 

The easiest way to describe how we want operate is – A do anything local delivery service easily accessed using cargo bikes and helping reduce vehicle use.  Run by locals helping visitors and locals to use their community services and facilities. Pay what you can afford!!

Cycle Crieff Cargo!

How It Works

1. You call, email or contact us via the website and let us know what you need picked up and delivered, where it needs to go and by when.

2. We will confirm the details and price with you. If cost is an issue, please offer what you can currently afford!

3. Once all agreed, we will come and collect on our delivery bike.

4. Once we deliver your items, you will receive a confirmation message that it has been delivered safely.

Location: Crieff

Proposed on behalf of: Cycle Crieff CIC

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